Southern Border

By valjam
  • Apr 24, 1519

    Hernan arrives in Veracruz

    On a good Friday Hernan Cortez sailed from Cuba to Veracruz against the crowns wishes in search of gold and riches
  • Period: Apr 24, 1519 to


  • Jun 24, 1520

    Retreat from Tenochtitlan

    After Montezuma was stoned to death. and Narvaez army forces forced Cortes to divide his brigade from tenochtitlan the Spaniards were forced to retreated having sustained heavy causalties
  • Apr 1, 1521

    Spanish return

    Cortes returned and laid seige to Tenochtitlan
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cuahtemoc was captured

    After months of intense fighting Cuahtemoc the last known emporer of the Mexica who resisted the Spaniards was captured, tortured, and assasinated / surrendered.
  • Sep 24, 1527

    Cortes was relieved of the governship

    After taking control of tenochtitlan Hernana worked to rebuild what he tore down and ruled the general area until this date
  • El Grito

    El grito lead by father Hidalgo is said to have been the begining of the Mexican fight for independence of spain Hidalgo proclaimed the freedom of the slaves. Also focus on peasants and injustice, of life under Spanish crown
  • Mexican war for independence War 1810-1821

  • Period: to

    MEXICAN War for Independence

  • Period of presidnetial instability begins

    During the span of 1821-1860 Mexico had a minimum of 50 presidents in a 40 year period.
  • US settlers enter Texas

    Disputes over where the line of demarcation would be created conflict amongst the two countries. Mexico saw the annexation as an act of war
  • treaty of cordoba

    mexico // us boundries cemented
    viceroy resigns
  • Period: to

    Period of Instability

  • The Monroe Doctrine was instated

  • Texas revolt

    Mexican rule was central to Mexico city, Mexicans outnumbered by settlers and slaves that revolted and declared Texas independent.
  • U.S annexed Texas

  • Mexican American War 1846-1848

  • Troops sent to veracruz

    General Winfield Scott led sodiers through Veracruz into Mexico City creating a full scale Mexican-American War
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Ending the War
    Payment of 15,000,000 dollars for half of Mexicos land
  • Desperate President Anna sells more land

    He sells Southern New Mexico and Arizona for 10 million dollars...this was crucial in US expansion westard toward gold stricken California.
  • 1858-61 marks the War of the Reform

    struggle between programmatic disputations, chauch-state controversies, and minor civil wars following the wake of the independence.
  • Benito Juarez Presidency 1861-1872

    A self made lawyer of indigneous roots who was a liberal government reformist. he resisted foreign occupation until he died of a heart atteck in 1872
  • Period: to

    US civil war

  • five year French occupation of Mexico 1862-1867

    In order to curve Mexican bancruptcy Benito Juarez established a moretoium on Mexican foreign debt that upset european creditors. France (Napolean III) seeking to expand empire/influence invaded Mexico. el 5 de mayo was a temp. halt of France advance to the city in the battle of Puebla this could only be done because the united states was in civil warr and could not innacte monroe doctrine
  • Austrian Archduke, Ferdinand Maximilian was installed as Emperor.

    until May of 1867 were he surrendered and was executed by Benito Juarez
  • The Diaz Era portfiriato 1876-1911

    A thirty-five year dictatorship. He had economically liberal ideals
    Created the influx of distribution of wealth
    Opened up Mexico to foreign investments and private explotation of resources.
    Developed the infrustructure of roads and railroads
    the wealthy were prospering but the poor were starving and lacked jobs.

    an eathqake struck that killed thousands and injured tens of thousands more. This showed the PIR's lack of accountability even to the clean-up and relief efforts (reminisent of katrina)
    there were many homeless people afterward.
  • A demand for equitable elections led by Francisco Madero

    Madero called fair elections that incorporated other political figures and promptly ran against Diaz under the anti-reelection party
  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution

  • Madero is elected

    After Diaz attempt to fix the election a call for armed resistence was announced and Diaz fleed in 1911 leaving Madero to sweep at the re-election
  • Resistance by Carranza

    Carranza was from Maderos home state Coahuila and a memeber of the elite. [wealthy.} who joined the Anti-reelection movement hesitantly. Mirrored Madero only utilizing Huerta is the Oppressor [like Diaz]]
  • Resistance by Zapata

    Emiliano Zapata was a rural leader from morelos who lead his restance from the south-central area of mexico under the banner of agrarian reform.
  • Pancho Villa revolutionary leader of the north.

    Pancho Villa controlled the northern state of Chihuahua. Former cattle rustler mobalized army by utilizing the railroad system.
    focused on men who were minors or wanted jobs not peasents.
  • Madero Assisinated

    Madero's lack of strength in attacking guerrila opposition caused his death by Victoriano Huerta (general under Diaz reign)
    Henry Lane, the US ambassador gave Huerta support in the assisnation of madero and the vice president
  • Huerta resigns and Carranza assumes power

    Carranza is still a moderete reformist compared to the effective change that Villa and Zapata wwanted.
  • Drafting of the 1917 constitution

    During Carranza rule a very radical constitution was instated that asked for land reform,etc

    [he had help in writing it]
  • Zapata assisinated by Carranzas troops

  • Obregon assumes power

    being the astermine behind the assisnation of Carranza
    and blindsiding him with the anti-reelection rhetoric. However
    1. he managed to achieve diplomatic recognition with the United States
    2. transfered power sucessfully to a puppet president.
  • Villa is shot down: the end of popular rebels

  • The start of the PRI--Calles created

  • Period: to

    The Reign of the PRI

  • Lazaro Cardenas assumes the presdiency 1934-1940

    sent Calles into Exile stood to put into action the spirit of the revolution. redistributed 44 million acres of land to landless Mexicanos.
    he wanted to rely on ejidos-communal ownership of large areas of land. deeply reinforcing the agrarian component to the revolution. PRM turns into PRI Durring this time there was so much inequality and privitization of land/resources. 90% of wealth owned by outsiders. Cardnenas nationalized the oil supply creating PEMEX ( symbol of nationalism)
  • PAN free market anti chatholic party takes foot

  • PRI Golden Years 1940-1980

    Period of rapid growth
  • Period: to

    PRI Golden Year

  • Massacre at the Olympics in Tlatelolco

    The right wing PRI president Diaz Ordaz called in the military to massacre studnet protest in order to not smear the image of Mexico he was trying to build.
  • The begining of the reign of the technocracy 76-2000

    during a time of high inflation in the 70s-2000 five presidents with no prior government/political experience assumed power.

    Beginning of lost decade of corruption, wage decline, recession, lack of growth.

    1,000s died and thousands more were injured and left homeless.
    lack of government accountability.
    similiar to Katrina
    horrible relief and clean-up efforts,
    EX. Medical center that was supposibly eathquake proff gives rise to extrensive coruption.

    Cauchtemoc Cardenas sought out to challenge the technocrates by running for office. The ballots were fixed and the election was rigged.
  • Move towards neoliberalism

  • first time opposing party wins sets in congressional election-leverage for other parties

  • PRD is created out of the fradulent elections with cardinas

    throughout the years PRD claims that many of their leaders are assasinated
  • Vicente Fox elected

    first non PRI canidate in 71 years..PAN canidate
    former governer of guanajuato/CEO of coca-cola/america lover
  • Castañeda resigned by 2003, Zinser is fired at end of 2003.

    castenada was secretary of forien affairs
  • Felipe Calderon assumes presidency.

    Calderon wanted to be tough on the war on drugs. had to deal with three major things: weak judicial system
    organized crime
    economic development