Mongols o my

South America, Basically Mongol free from 1800's to 1914

By mozez93
  • The Beginning of the Latin revolution.

    The Beginning of the Latin revolution.
    Lead by Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin, the main leaders in the revolution. They start the influence of most of the revolutionary wars.
  • Period: to


    No mongols invade Latin america! :)
  • May Revolution!!

    May Revolution!!
    Argentina breaks away from Spain.
  • let's start a revolution!

    let's start a revolution!
    Miguel Hidalgo convinces local peasants in Mexico to start a riot against the penninsulares leading to the years of struggle to break away from spain.
  • Chile is liberated!

    Chile is liberated!
    Bernardo O'Higgins helps to liberate Chile under the lead of Jose de Martin (yes he's in every country just like Simon Bolivar) and Bernado O'Higgins becomes the leader of Chile.
  • Colombia breaks away!

    Colombia breaks away!
    New Granada is dissolved and gives Colombia freedom. They formed Gran Colombia which included Venezula and Ecuador.
  • Period: to

    Peru Revolution

    Jose de San Martin helped to lead Peru for a revolution against Spain.
  • Venezuela gains independence!

    Venezuela gains independence!
    An army lead by Simon Bolivar wins after a of spanish troops for Venezuela.
  • Viva La Revolucion!

    Viva La Revolucion!
    Augustin de Iturbide leads the army of the Three Guarantees to victory of the spainish, giving Mexico independence.
  • Brazil Declares itself independent from Portgual

    Brazil Declares itself independent from Portgual
    Pedro the First declares it an independent state.
  • United Provinces of Central America

    United Provinces of Central America
    Central America seperates from mexico after Augustin de Iturbide gets overthrown.
  • Bolivia stuggles for freedom

    Bolivia stuggles for freedom
    Bolivian soldiers fight at the Battle of Ayacucho, at which Spain gives up the next day.
  • Go your own way Uruguay!

    Go your own way Uruguay!
    Uruguay becomes its own nation this year after getting it's freedom from the Treaty of Montevideo.
  • Gran Colombia is dissolved.

    Gran Colombia is dissolved.
    Gran Colombia breaks apart just leaving the independent states of Ecuador and Venezula.
  • Republic of New Granada

    Republic of New Granada
    Republic of New Granada, made up after the dissolvment of Gran Colombia. Incorporated Panana and Colombia.
  • Central American Federation's destination= seperation!

    Central American Federation's destination= seperation!
    Central American Federation divides into the states of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica
  • William Walker!!

    William Walker!!
    Appointed himself the president of the Republic of Nicaragua. Was swiftly kicked out and executed four years later,
  • Cuban war for independence!

    Cuban war for independence!
    Latin america video led by Fidel Castro for independence from Spain.