Skærmbillede 2019 03 06 kl. 13.47.40

South African history

  • The first Dutch settlers arrive at the cape

  • The Great Trek

  • The First Boer War

  • The Second Boar War

  • South Africa becomes a British colony

  • ANC was established

  • First free and democratic event

  • Daniel Francois Malan becomes Prime Minister (The National Party) Gradually, 148 Apartheid laws were passed

  • Population Registration Act

  • Schools were seperated

  • PAC was established

  • Sharpeville massacre

  • The United Nations condemn apartheid

  • Nelson Mandela gets imprisoned

  • The Soweto uprising

  • W.F De Klerk is elected President

  • Mandela and other ANC members are released

  • Nelson Mandela becomes president

  • Economy tripled

  • Jacob Zuma becomes President