Nov 27, 1480
First ship around the cape of Africa
Portuguese navigator Bartholomeu Dias is the first European to travel round the southern tip of Africa. -
Jan 1, 1500
portoguese domination of the sea route around the cape
The portoguese is domination the sea route from India to Europe -
The Dutch finds the Cape Colony at Table bay
Jan van Riebeeck, representing the Dutch East India Company, founds the Cape Colony at Table Bay. -
Britsh forces seize the Cape Colony from the dutch
British forces seize Cape Colony from the Netherlands. Territory is returned to the Dutch in 1803; ceded to the British in 1806. -
Diamonds found at Kimberley
gold discovered in the Transvaal
The Native National Congress founded
Native National Congress founded, later renamed the African National Congress (ANC). -
Land act introduced
Land Act introduced to prevent blacks, except those living in Cape Province, from buying land outside reserves. -
Namibia comes under South African adminstration
Apartheid set in law
Policy of apartheid (separateness) adopted when National Party (NP) takes power -
population classified by race
Population classified by race. Group Areas Act passed to segregate blacks and whites. Communist Party banned. ANC responds with campaign of civil disobedience, led by Nelson Mandela. -
70 black demonstraters killed and anc banned
Nelson mandela declared imprisoned for life
ANC unbanned, Mandela Released after 27 years
ANC wins first non-racial election