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South Africa Timeline

  • Diamonds were discovered in South Africa

  • Gold were discovered in Transvaal.

  • ANC was formed. ANC was a group of people that fought for equality for the black people

  • Nelson Mandela was born the 18 July in Mvezo

  • The government introduced racist laws. This was called Apartheid.

  • ANC was banned because 70 black people demonstrated and they even got killed

  • South Africa being excluded from the Olympic game.

  • Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprsionment. During the time he was in prison, the polioce arrested many members in ANC.

  • More than were forcibly resettled in black homelands.

  • 600 people dies during a rebellion between the black people and the security guards.

  • Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years and the ANC are not banner anymore

  • Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president in South Africa.

  • Thabo Mbeki takes over as president

  • Bomb explosion in Soweto by the right extremists

  • Walter Sisulu died at the age of 91. He was against apartheid and was really popular among the black people.

  • Nelson Mandela dies at the age of 95