South Africa history

  • Jan van Riebeeck

    A dutch doctor named Jan van Riebeeck sets up a supply station at kapp, the good hope for VOC.
  • Inavsion

    The invasion of Cape colony was a british military expedition.
  • Boer war

    There was a conflict and power struggle between the british and the boers. British wanted to put the areas were they had found gold under british control.The british won and the boer republics became british colonies
  • independent

    South Africa becomes independent.
  • Congress

    The south african native national congress is formed in bloemfontein, and John Langalibalele Dube becomes the first president.
  • apartheid

    A system of racial segregation. People lived into categories that decieded where you live and what jobs you can have.
  • Olympic Games

    South Africa has been banned from taking part in the 18th Olympic Games in Tokyo over its refusal to condemn apartheid.
  • apartheid regime

    In 1994 the apartheid regime ended.
  • World cup

    The first FIFA world cup on the african continent.
  • Nelson mandela

    Nelson mandela died.