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South Africa

  • National party election

    National party election
    National party campaign on the basis of apartheid and win. D F Malan becomes PM.
  • Period: to

    Apartheid legislation

    Major apartheid legislation passed: population registration, group areas, prevention of illegal squatting, seperate representation of voters, urban areas, bantu authorities, bantu education.
  • Defiance campaign led by ANC

    Defiance campaign led by ANC
    Refused to carry passbooks. Direct action against apartheid. 156 people arrested under suppresion of communism act.
  • Freedom charter

    Freedom charter
  • H F Verweord becomes PM

    H F Verweord becomes PM
  • Period: to

    Republic of SA

    SA becomes a republic outside of the commonwealth. ANC and PAC banned under unlawful organisations act.
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    ANC leadership imprisoned

    10 notable ANC leaders were captured and imprisoned during the Rivonia trial. Sentenced to life due to international pressure. First trial to be broadcast internationally.
  • B J Vorster becomes PM

    B J Vorster becomes PM
    Verweord is assasinated.
  • Black consciousness movement starts

    Black consciousness movement starts
  • Durban strikes

    Durban strikes
    Independant trade unions for workers founded.
  • Inkatha

    Relaunch of Zulu cultural and political movement Inkatha.
  • Soweto school protests

    Soweto school protests
    Soweto school students protest. Transkei becomes first independant homeland.
  • P W Botha becomes PM

    P W Botha becomes PM
    Later becomes President. Reform era begins.
  • Period: to

    Pass laws challenged and removed

    Led to massive urban growth
  • UDF launched

    UDF launched
    United Democratic Front (anti - apartheid) movement launched. Tri - cameral parliament system and new parliament system.