Jan van riebeeck arrived on behalf of the dutch India company
the begin of colonial of south Africa -
Period: to
Afrikanner population spread
Afrikanner spread northernward and easternward -
East India Company
British took over the east india become bankrupt. -
british arrived
the first large group of english,did not adopt the afrikaans -
the boers arrived eastern sf
with the help of british troops. -
british get salavery
british lost their cheap labor supply when British abolished slavery in all of its colonies -
Period: to
Great trek
thousands of boers migrated north out of waht was now british cape town. -
Blood River battle
battle betweeen the zulu and afrikanners, on december -
Period: to
Asians come to South Arica
the india arrived as as workers. -
Period: to
South Africa war
the different attitude of mine owner -
excavation of diamond
successful excavation of diamons in Kimberley -
Africa national congress
several hundred conservation African man formed the Anc. -
natives land act
first piece of major legislation -
Black votes limits
the government repealed the limited voting rights. -
Nation Party win election
brought conservative afrikanners to polical power. -
prohibition of mixed marriages
whites and other group cannot marry -
Population Registration act
created three sreies of people and divided them -
Group area act
bein the process of designating every inch of land. -
Defiance campaign
made a name for himself as the -in -chief of this campaig. voluntee -
Natives abolition of passes and coordination of documents acts
increase the amount if information-fingerprints. -
Anc leader
Anc Anc took in formingthe congressallianceto take the canpaign. -
police arrest people
police arrested 156 people on charges of high treason -
Promotion of Bantu self -government act
deceptive named law , this established eight black homelands. -
arrest pac
was arrested by governmen. -
Sharpeville event
69 africans lay dead and 186 were wounded. -
Movement of of decision
cheif Albert Luthuli the president of ANC, called for a day of moring -
Ecret Meeting of Anc
The leadership of ANC had decide to launch sabotage -
Nobel Price
chief got nabel peace price -
Mandela To Jail
Mandela and seven others were sentenced to life i Prison -
Union of south africa
british and afrikanner republoics joined ntogether -
Black Consciousnessn
mamber eventally dissipated to joined other radical groups -
boycottof 1957
demostrated of the power of the people united together -
Klerk get president
Klerk assumed the power -
Apartheid end
Klerk remove the Apatrtheid laws from book -
New voting rights
New voting allows all kind of people to vote -
Mandela became first blck president of south Africa
the first black presdient the signal of end of apartheid -
Trc started
Trc begins hearing