Soucil studies

  • Treaty of paris

    The treaty of paris was a treaty that ended the french and indian war and they stoped fighting
  • Proclmation of 1763

    The proclmation of 1763 gave land west of the Applcation moutains to native americans
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act is the act that if you buy a printed document you have to put tax on it so the colanits boycotted it so they repeled the act in 1766
  • Quarting act

    The quarting act is the act that said that if a british solder needed a home the colines have to provide it for them so that ment for the people had to give up there houses and it was hard on them they hadto give them their shelter there food there nice warm covers and they did not like that.
  • townshed act

    The townshed act put tax on glass, lead paints, paper and tea.
  • boston massacre

    The boston massacre was the killing of five colanists, solders killed them because they were protesting agenst taxs so they fired shots in to the croud and hit five people and it became known as the boston massacre.
  • Boston tea party

    boston tea party was the sons of libirty dressed up and started to dump tea because the king was puting tax on the tea so the sons of liebrty dumped it.
  • Tea act

    The tea act was an act that put taxes on tea and people didn't like it so they didn't drank it
  • Olive branch peition

    This was a document that told the king things the colonies did not like so the 13 colonies listed the thing that the king did not like and then shipped it to him.
  • common sense document

    the common sense doc was created by Thomas Paine. He beleved that the colonies should be free so he wrote down a list of things that the king was doing to the colonies and told him to stop but he didn't.
  • Declaration of Indapindence

    the declaratio of indapindence declared the 13 colonies free from great briton and the king sigened it july 4 1776
  • treaty of paris 2

    the 2nd treaty of paris ended the revalutanary war then colonits returened home and were happy