• 1701 BCE

    James II

    James II
    became the king of England
  • 1215

    The Manga Carta

    The Manga Carta
    was signed establishing the foundations of English rights.
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    developed the heliocentric theory
  • 1578

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Showed that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Discovered planetary motion
  • Galileo

    used the telescope to support the proof of the heliocentric theory
  • The English Civil war

    The English Civil war
    began between the round heads(supporters of Parliament)and the Cavaliers(supporters of the King)
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    became the king of France
  • Charles I of England

    Charles I of England
    Was beheaded
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes
    people give up rights to a strong ruler who maintains order
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    Began his rule of England as a lord Protector
  • The Restoration Of Charles II

    The Restoration Of Charles II
    The monarchy was put back in control on England
  • The palace of Versailles

    The palace of Versailles
    was built under the reign of Louis XIV
  • The Age Of Reason

    The Age Of Reason
    (The Enlightenment) Began
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Published his law of gravity
  • William and Mary

    William and Mary
    became the leaders of England ( this is Refereed to as the Glorious Revolution)
  • The English Bill Of Rights

    The English Bill Of Rights
    was passed laying out specific rights on parliament and putting limits on royal power
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    it was his theory of ¨natural rights¨( life,liberty,and property)
  • Francois- Marie Arouet

    Francois- Marie Arouet
    Changed his name to Voltaire and goes on to champion individual freedoms
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    began which was heavily influenced by the age of enlightenment.
  • St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg
    Became the capital of Russia under Peter The Great
  • The Westernization of Russia

    The Westernization of Russia
    was started by Peter The Great
  • Peter I

    Peter I
    became the czar of Russia
  • Montesquieu

    detailing separation of powers in government
  • jean jacquese Rousseau

     jean jacquese Rousseau
    free individuals create a society and government.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    wrote the declaration of independence
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    introduced a vaccine to prevent small pox