
  • First Psychology Laboratory

    Wilhelm established the first psychological laboratoy with this own personal equipment.
  • Washburn's PhD

    First woman to be awarded a PhD in an American university.
  • Ivan Pavlov's Nobel Prize

    Brought one of the fundamental process that alter behavior, reflex, etc.
  • First woman to be elected of APA

    Calkins was the first woman to be elected in presidency of the APA in Wellesly College.
  • Edward B. Titchener

    Titchener's textbook of psychology was published
  • Sigmund's first of five daily lectures

    He described the cade of Anna O. and the talking cure.
  • Watson's Military Service

    Watson was ordered into active military service to test aviators for the Signal Corps
  • James published The Emotions

    "He 'proposed that the behavorial aspects of emotion precede the consious experience of emotinal arousal.'"
  • B.F. Skinner's goals

    These were B.F. Skinner's goals:
    a) Publish expiremental behaviors
    b) Promote psychological constructs
    c) Develop scientific theory of knowledge
    d) comment on nonscientific theories of knowledge
  • Good Human Being

    Abraham Maslow recorded characteristics of exceptionally well-adjusted college students.
  • Piaget's book published

    Origins of Intillegence in Children was published.
  • Debate with BF Skinner

    2 Days of debate with B.F. Skinner about the topic of "Education and Control of Human Behavior"