Old regime

Society and Economy Under the Old Regime in the 18th. Cen.

  • Period: to

    Society and Economy under Old Regime

  • Women's Roles - S, C, I

    Women's "value" decreased during the Indust. Rev. because of three reasons:
    1) domestic service = women associated with home, therefore = women do housework.
    2) work looked traditional and "un-helpful."
    3) People assumed that women were just worked to supplement husband's income.
  • Domestic System - C, I/T, E

    Merchants bring "raw materials" to peasants -> spin into thread -> bring to other peasants -> make finished product -> merchant sells product.
  • Nobility - S

    Britisih - Owned 1/4 workable land
    - paid their taxes
    - sons took good positions in govt. or church French - of the sword & robe
    - did NOT pay taxes
  • Industrial Revolution - S, I/T, E

    This was triggered by Agricul. Rev. and Sci. Rev. This was when Europe's economy pretty much developed uninterrupted.
    Britain was powerhouse of industry
  • Revolts/ Riots/Rebellions - S

    Rebellions in Russia after Pugachev promised freedom to serfs;
    Artisans rioted when bread prices got too high
  • J. Watt & His Steam Engine - S, I/T

    James Watt invented the Steam Engine, which helped to greatly expand industry. Also eventually revolutionalized transportation.
  • Family Structures - S

    NW Euro - Nuclear fam. Young adults leave to become servants to others. Marry in mid-twenties. E Euro - Big fam. Landlords push local marriges for peasant dependancy.
  • Jewish Populations - S

    Most Jews lived in ghettos
    if you converted to Christianity you were welcomed in and gained back all your lost rights
    pogroms = violence
  • Agricultural Rev. - S, I/T, E

    Many new innovations and mechanics created to move along working on the land or in other aspects of like (i.e., spinning jenny)