Dec 13, 1440
The Printing press
Johannes Gutenberg invented the first movable printing press.He was called the "father" of printing press in the modern world.The printing press made made books less expensive and more numerous.That allowed more people to learn how to read an write.
(The day and month on this event is not real because I could not find it) -
Dec 13, 1495
The last supper
This painting was made by Leonardo davinci. It represents Jesus at his last supper. It was started in 1495 and was finished in 1498. The day and month on this event is not real because I could not find it) -
Dec 15, 1498
The Pieta was made by Michaelangelo. This statue is of Mary holding Jesus. (The day and month on this event is not real because I could not find it) -
Feb 8, 1501
Statue of David
The statue of David was created by Michelangelo. It was started in 1501 and was finished in 1504. -
Dec 13, 1503
Mona lisa
The Mona lisa was made in 1503 and was finished in 1506 by Leonardo da Vinci,It is the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world.
(The day and month on this event is not real because I could not find it)