Jan 1, 1271
Marco Polo
The reason for Marco Polo to explore is to find more trade routes and reach Cathey. Marco Polo was successful because he got to Cathay witch we now call China and He got to explore it. -
Jan 1, 1487
Bartolomeu Dias
The reason for his exploration was because king JohnII of Portugal ordered Dias to sail the southern end of Africa to find if ships could reach Asia by sailing around Africa. He was not succesful because a storm blew the boat around Africa and they did not see land for 13 days and his crew members persuaded him to go back to Portugal. -
Aug 3, 1492
Cristopher Columbus
He set sail in command of three ships the Santa Maria,Pinta,and Nina on a journey to find a westen sea route to China and the fable gold and spice islands of Asia. His voyage was not successful because he was suppose to get to China, but what he thought was Asia was accutaly the Americas. -
Jan 1, 1497
Giovanni Caboto
Caboto set sail on the ship Matthews.
He was sent by king Henery VII to make a expedition across the Northern Atlantic. The exact site of Caboto's landing has not been definitively established it may have been located in newfoundland, Cape Breton island or southern labrador. After returning to England to report his success Cacoto departed on a seconed expedition in Mid-1498, but his thought to have perished in a shipwreck. He wanted to find China. He was not succcessful,but he found other land. -
Jul 1, 1497
Vasco da Gama
His reason was that he was on a mission to reach India and open a sea route from Europe to the east. Vasco da Gamma was successful because he made it to Calicut,India in May 1498,but before reaching Calicut,India and he made numerouse stops in Africa. -
Mar 9, 1500
Alvaarez Cabral
King ManuelI of Portugle sent him on an expedition to India. Cabral was named admiral in supreme command of 13 ships witch set out from Lisbonon March 9,1500. He was to follow the route taken eatlier by Vasco da Gama to strengthen commercial ties.He sighted land claiming it for Portugal and naming it the island for True Cross king Manuell renamed it Holy Cross. He was successful because he set out on an expedition to India and he made it to calcicut,India . -
May 14, 1501
Amerigo Vespucci
Vespucci sailed on an expedition down the coast of South America. Vespucci looked for signs that he had reached Asia, but he could find none. Somthing els did not make sense. Years earlier he had studied the work of Ptolemy a astronomer in acient egypt, and had lerned that Earth was larger and Asia was smaller and Vespucci got to the newfoundland and named it America. He was successful because he got to the Americas. -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce de Leon
de Leon is famouse for being the first spanish conquestador to get to le Florida.He tried to find the fountain of youth,but he ended up in Le Florida.That was was his biggest achivement. -
Jan 1, 1513
Vasco Nunez de Ballboa
He proved Vespucci's idea. He crossed the isthsmus of Panama that connects the continents known today as North America and South America. Ballboa's exploers landed on the east coast of the isthsmus and marched west. He was successful because he proved that Vespucci's idea was right. -
Jan 1, 1519
Ferdinado Cortez
The main perpose of his voyage was to bring wealth to the spanish.He brought 600 men to Mexico and to prevent his guys from fleaing was that he blew up all the ship except one.To keep his guys motivated he motivated his guys with money.They found riches in the Aztects and wanted to take everthing.The people though Crotez was on of the god they beileved in,but later he made alies with the other natives and conquered them. -
Jan 1, 1522
Ferdinand Magellan
A spanish expedition leaded by the prtuguese explorer Ferdinand Magllan also proved that Vespucci was correct.That same expedition proved that columbus's was possible and europeans could reach Asia by sailing west.First however the explorers had to sail around the americas.Even though Magellan died during the expedition 18 of his sailors made it to Asia so in a way he was successful. -
Jan 1, 1528
Panfilo de Narvaez
Narvaez led an expedition to Le Florida and wanted to capture the whole gluf of Florida.When the natives would not let them it usaly ended up in a battle.The natives took Narvaes' supply and alot of his men fleeted to trie to survive