Social Studies

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    World War I changed the role different claseses (high, middle, low) played in the economy and society.
  • NCSS is Founded

    National Council for Social Studies is an association that supports social studies educators teach the curriculum.
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    Great Depression

    Our economy crashed sending America into world they did not expect and major adjustments had to be made.
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    A war mostly centered around the killing of innocent Jews in Europe.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor Japan attacked America in Hawaii and launched us into WWII.
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    Korean War

    A division among the North and the South, with the US fighting with the South to stop communism.
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    Civil Rights

    A fight for equality in America for African Americans with Martin Luther King Jr as a major leader.
  • First Satellite Launched (Sputnik, Russia)

    Russia scared and surprised the world with it's technology and science in creating the first successful satellite.
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    It was a war that some considered pointless, while other considered it to be necessary.
  • First Man in Space (Yuri Gagarin, Russia)

    An event that made headlines everywhere and challenged the rest of the world to accomplish something better.
  • First Man on Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA)

    First Man on Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA)
    Apollo 11 was the first spacecraft to land on the moon with Neil Armstrong as the first man to step on the moon.
  • Watergate

    A scandal during President Nixon's presidency over illegally taping conversations at the Democratic National Convention.
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    N.C.L.B. mandate in schools

    A mandate that made standardized testing a major part of school and changed the way teachers decided on their curriculum.
  • World Trade Center Attacks

    A day when America was attacked on its own soil through a terrorist group in the Middle East.