Currently, I am a sophomore at Roxboro Community School.My goal is: "I am going to start studying harder ASAP in my classes and will
later graduate college with a degree in Mathematics from an
accredited university by the fall of 2023." -
Begin Working Part-Time/Saving $$$
My first goal is to begin working part-time to save money for college expenses. To do this, I will need a resume filled out, (obviously) a job, and some hours that can coexist with my HW Schedule and other EC Activities I may have. -
Graduating High School
My second event in my timeline is to graduate high school. I will need to sustain a 4.4+ GPA (4.4 was my GPA in my Freshman year, classes are getting harder later on) in order to graduate and set myself up for college admissions in the near future. -
Early Application To An Accredited University/Getting Into College
My third event involves me applying to an in-state or out-of-state accredited university by the fall of 2019. -
Applying for Scholarship Opportunities/Working While Home
My fourth event involves figuring out a way to pay college back. Applying for scholarship opportunities is one of the ways that I can cover expenses. -
College Classes/Throughout My Collegiate Years
My fifth events involves me keeping a 3.5+ GPA in college. I will do this by studying for classes and paying attention, along with doing the necessary work required. -
GRADUATION/Looking For A Job
My final event on my timeline will be to graduate college by the fall of 2023/spring of 2024 (however that works.) My SMART Goal is: I am going to start studying harder ASAP in my classes and will
later graduate college with a degree in Mathematics from an
accredited university by the fall of 2023." Afterwards, I will hope to start my journey in the real world and begin looking for a career.