Period: to
Education for the next 10 years
Get my full drivers licences when i turn 18
Getting a part time job as a phlebotomist
I want to get a job as a phlebotomist until I can find a job as a marine biologist somewhere. -
Graduate Belton High School
i plan to graduate high school with a GPA of at least 3.6 as one of the top of my class. -
Enrolling in Columbia University
I plan to enroll in Columbus University to get a Major in Marine Biology. -
Getting a job as a part time marine biologist
I plan to to quit my job as a phelbotomist and get a job as a marine biologist as i start earning my degree in marine biology. -
Getting my bachelor's degree
Finish my first two years of college. -
Getting a masters degree
I plan on getting a masters degree and haveing a major in marine biology and a minior in music. -
Progressing my job as a Marine biologist
I plan to move out of the midwest to the coast to get a job as a full time marine biologist. -
getting my Ph.D in marine biology
I plan to get my Ph.D in marine biology and move to, if not already, a full time job as a field in marine biology