• Short Term Goal

    Short Term Goal
    S: Get a part-time job to earn money.
    M: I want to find a job that pays a minimum of $8.00/hour and allows me to work no more than 12 hours/week.
    A: I will apply to no more than two jobs until a job is obtained.
    R: I've brainstormed ideas of where to apply that will work with my schedule along with ensuring my requirements are accurate of the job market in my community.
    T: I want to have a job in the next four months.
  • Long Term Goal

    Long Term Goal
    S: I want to save up money for college.
    M: I will save up $1000.
    A: I will spend $15 less a week on coffee to save that $15 instead.
    R: I determined that the opportunity cost of saving money is more
    valuable than spending an extra 125 on coffee every month.
    T: I will save money for the next two years.
  • Step 1 (ST) Sep 20, 2019

    Step 1 (ST) Sep 20, 2019
    Look for jobs and come up with ideas of where to apply.
  • Step 1 (LT) Nov 1, 2019

    Step 1 (LT) Nov 1, 2019
    Think about what to cut out of spending in order to start saving money.
  • Step 2 (ST) Oct 10, 2019

    Step 2 (ST) Oct 10, 2019
    Research two jobs you think you would enjoy.
  • Step 2 (LT) Dec 1, 2019

    Step 2 (LT) Dec 1, 2019
    Choose something to cut out of spendings each month.
  • Step 3 (ST) Nov 10, 2019

    Step 3 (ST) Nov 10, 2019
    Apply to two jobs.
  • Step 3 (LT) Jan 1, 2020

    Step 3 (LT) Jan 1, 2020
    Choose to spend $15 less on coffee each week.
  • Step 4 (ST) Dec 20, 2019

    Step 4 (ST) Dec 20, 2019
    Fill out the job application to the two jobs that you choose.
  • Step 5 (ST) Feb 1, 2020

    Step 5 (ST) Feb 1, 2020
    Wait for a response.
  • Step 4 (LT) July 1, 2020

    Step 4 (LT) July 1, 2020
    Make coffee at home. Begin to save money until college.
  • Step 5 (LT) Jan 1, 2022

    Step 5 (LT) Jan 1, 2022
    Start saving $15 a week, and put that towards money for college. Use money saved up for college.