the underground rail road
the under ground rail road was a series of codes and paths to help slaves run away to the north and be free there were many abolitionists who helped called cunductors or station masters the slaves were called fugitives or baggage or sack of patatoes. -
missouri compromise continued
the tallmadge amendment passed in the house but was rejected by the senate. the issue was resolved by a two part compromise. first missouri gained admission to the union as a slave state, with a provision that prtion of the Louisiana territory lying nrth of 36'30' north latitude would be free. second, maine was simultaneously admitted to state hood, which enabled the senate to maintain the balance between free and slave state reprsenation-- twelve of each. -
missouri compromise
the missouri compromise was about shoud slavery be alloud in the new state of missouri? slaveholders that had already migrated into the missouri territory made the question mere than academic. congressman james tallmadge of new york proposed that no more slaves be brought into missouri and that the children of slaves already there be freed at the age of 25. seneator wiliam pinkney of maryland argued that states already in the union had joined without andy conditions. -
dred scott
nat turnners rebelion
we do kow that nat turner was the leader of a slave rebellionthat took place in virginia in 1831. he led a group of about 60 to 70 slaves it started at travis plantation about 3000 troops were sent to capture nat turner and his folowers. many slaves were captured and tried in cort. -
compromise of 1850
the compromise of 1850 was when california joined as a free state south gets fugitive slave law texas got paid 10 dallars and paid there debt to mexico trading slave in washingto dc is out lawed but slavery is still allowed in dc free slaves and people ran to canada the underground rail road was used more -
continued kansas nebraska act
Franklin pierce supported pro slavey the act was passed my us congress, anti slavery members out numbered pro slavery members. -
the kansas nebraska act
the kansas nebraska act was passed by the us congress on may 30, 1854 it allowed people in the territories oof kansas and nebraska to diced for them selves whether or not to allow slavery. the act seved to repeal the missouri comprommise of 1820 which prohibited slavery noth of 36,30 line this lasted seven years it started may 30, 1854 ended january 29, 1861 kansas becomes a free state in 1861 this eliminated the 36,30 line John brown lead the anti slavery group. the act was nicknamed bleeding -
abolitionist event
abolitonist event was alll a lot of peop;e gainst slavery like stephone douglass they were all against it and passed several books and even acted out with biolences and got it abolished eventuallyy