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Sixth Grade

  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    The first day of 6th grade, the beggining of an era, or so I thought. It was my first time ever going to a public school, and school choice had put me at Dunbar Middle School. It was going to be a year of meeting new people, adapting to change, and trying new things.
  • Exciting Education?

    Exciting Education?
    Coming from a small Catholic school, one of the things I liked the best was changing classes and teachers. I had never done that before!! All the classes that I was in, were intertwined because they were based on an honors program. They highlighted math, science, and english; all of which I still enjoy. The classes were there to push students and there was always some type of public speaking and project involved.
  • Not so scary New York

    Not so scary New York
    To cheer on my aunt in the New York City Marathon, off to New York we went. I was able to conquer my fear of traveling on planes and riding on the subway.
  • The best years of our life

    The best years of our life
    My 12th birthday was one that will always be remembered. I learned that just because my friends and I didn't all go to the same schools we could still be in sync with each other like we had never been apart. quote quote
  • Naughty Nashville

    Naughty Nashville
    My swim team went on a trip to Nashville to swim at a meet and bond as a whole. While I was there I learned who my true friends were, who would stand up for me and who would sit back and watch as I got screamed at and blamed for more reasons then one could count. And even after all these were proved wrong, not one person came to my aid. song
  • Hospital or Home

    Hospital or Home
    Twas' the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. I was super sick and laying in bed, with my mom at my side rubbing my head.
  • Perfect Attendance

    Perfect Attendance
    This was the day that I went back to school. I had been sick for three months and couldn't leave my house. Those months were filled with trips to the hospital, doctor's office, and clinics. Not one of my classmates ever knew what was wrong, and when I came back I wasn't there for long.
  • Enter... Liv

    Enter... Liv
    Once I was back, many of my classmates, welcomed be with open arms. They didn't ask too many questions unless I alluded, and I met many new people that I still cherish. It was hard being back after a long time, but all those boys, girls, and teachers, made it a little better each day. But of all the strongest people I know, my mom was the most, because she never let me go.
  • Life as I knew it

    Life as I knew it
    As the final months of school came to a close, I was more myself then I think I had ever known. I was doing well in school, winning academic awards, tried out for track, and was even in a band. I was able to keep up and stay on track even after everything that happened, I never gave in.
  • Who am I ?????

    Who am I ?????
    As the year finished, I realized how strong one has to be to conquer all that is given to them. Not everyone is given the same things to deal with, but each person is gifted with enough strength. And all I know is that, 6th grade year, there was no way I was letting anything defeat who wanted to be. quote quote song <a href=href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQhGnNEFtPk' >song</a>'