Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The ESEA was the first major law that included the government in providing for disadvantaged students. It ensured students from all backgrounds should have access to public education; it also included a provision providing free/reduced lunch for students in need, justifying that students in need can't benefit full from an education. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act (VRA)
The VRA prevents any organization in receipt of federal funds from discriminating against anyone with a disability solely on the basis of the disability. It greatly improved equal opportunity employment, allowing people with disabilities greater access to jobs, schools, and community services. -
Educational Amendments Act
These amendments granted federal funds to states specifically for programs geared towards exceptional learners. This was the first federal funding for state programs aimed for gifted and talented students. It also ensured due process in special education placement. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Known as the "Mainstreaming Law", this act required states to provide a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities, specifically ages 5-18. It also introduced individualized education programs and first introduced "least restrictive environment". -
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
The ADA prohibits discrimination and allows for equal opportunity for people with disabilities in employment, state office, public accommodations, and commercial facilities. It is significant because it opened up greater opportunities for people with disabilities on a wide scale. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
IDEIA provides an incredibly comprehensive overview of providing individuals with disabilities rights they were previously denied because of disabilities. It stipulates that children cannot be excluded because of disability, tracking students with disability, advocacy for students without guardians, and confidentiality among others. -
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
NCLB provides framework for how to improve American schools while allowing students to escape "failing schools". It is significant in that in increases accountability for schools and districts, allows school choice for many students, and states have greater freedom in how they allocate educational funds.