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United States Events 1900-2000

  • Galveston Hurricane

    Galveston Hurricane
    A category four hurricane rolls across Galveston, Texas, killing over 8,000 people.
  • The Mann-Elkins Act of 1910

    The Mann-Elkins Act of 1910
    Federal law that strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) control over railroads, such as rates and practices.
  • US enters World War 1

    US enters World War 1
    The United States joins the Allies and enters World War 1 declaring war on Germany.
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    The Great Depression

    Beginning with a stock market crash on "Black Tuesday", the United States economy went downhill into a recession. For a whole decade there were high rates of unemployment, bank failures, and an increase in poverty.
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    Dust Bowl

    A severe drought combined with excessive farming and poor land management created dust storms for several years throughout the Great Plains.
  • President FDR's 3rd Term

    President FDR's 3rd Term
    Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the first and only president to be elected a third term. After his fourth term in 1944 and the nation's disagreement of a long-term president, it led to the ratification of the 22nd amendment in 1951.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    President Lyndon B. Johnson signed this law that prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    It was NASA's third moon-landing mission that never reached the moon due to an explosion on board. Apollo 13 crew aborted the mission and returned back to Earth using the lunar module as a life boat.
  • Los Angeles Riots

    Los Angeles Riots
    Period of major outbreak of violence, looting, and arson in Los Angeles began. This happened in response to the acquittal of 4 white Los Angeles policemen connected with the severe beating of an African American.
  • Columbine Shooting

    Columbine Shooting
    A major school shooting where two students carrying guns and bombs, open fire inside Columbine High School in Colorado, killing 13 and wounding 23 others.