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Charlie and the chocolate factory (2010)

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    Golden Tickets

    Golden Tickets
    Exposition 1: In the opening scene, Willy Wonka was putting Golden Tickets on 5 bars of chocolate.
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    Charlie Bucket

    Charlie Bucket
    Exposition 2: Charlie Bucket, poor and humble, lived with his whole family, such as 2 grandpas and grandmas, his mom and dad. (Protagonist)
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    The Story

    The Story
    Exposition 4: Grandpa Joe told Charlie about how he used to work for Willy Wonka.
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    The Factory

    The Factory
    Exposition 3: Grandpa Joe tells Charlie about Willy Wonka opening his factory.
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    The Spies

    The Spies
    Exposition 5: Other candy makers started getting jealous of Mr.Wonka so people sent in spies to get secret recipes and make their own candy that could beat Mr.Wonka, so as result, Mr.Wonka closed his factory "forever".
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    The Factory Advertisement for the Golden Tickets

    The Factory Advertisement for the Golden Tickets
    Exposition 6:At night, people from the factory were sent out to put flyers out about the Golden Tickets across the world.
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    Exposition 7: Agustas Gloop (Antagonist) Is the first to find a ticket, and he eats a lot of chocolate.
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    Exposition 8:Varuca Salt (Antagonist) is the spoiled little brat that got the ticket from her dad.
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    Charlie's Birthday

    Charlie's Birthday
    Exposition 9: A few days before Charlie's birthday he got to open a Wonka Bar, but didn't get the Golden Ticket.
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    Exposition 10:Violet Buligaurd (antagonist) finds the Golden ticket, brags about her achivements she has made in her life.
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    Exposition 11:Mike Teavee (Antagonist) found the golden ticket, he did a mathmatic calculation and had to buy just one...he doesn't even like chocolate.
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    Charlie Gets Another Chance

    Charlie Gets Another Chance
    Rising Action 1: Grandpa Joe told Charlie to go get the first Wonka Bar he can find in any shop, and he gave him a coin he had been saving, Charlie came back to open it, but he did not get the Golden Ticket.
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    A Golden Ticket, In My Shop Too!

    A Golden Ticket, In My Shop Too!
    Rising Action 2: Charlie finds some money in the snow and decides to go try to one more time, he bought a Wonka Bar, unwrapped it, and there it was the Golden Ticket itself! Charlie was offered a lot of money for the ticket from other people. Charlie tells his parents that he doesn't want to keep the Golden Ticket, that they need the money but his Grandpa George tells him he only has one chance to do something special like this.
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    Please, Enter!

    Please, Enter!
    Rising Action 3: The five children gathered up at 10 am on first of February to enter the chocolate factory. They meet Willy Wonka outside of the factory doors.
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    Why's the Door So Small?

    Why's the Door So Small?
    Rising Action 4:The kids and their parents enter the factory and go into the entrance hall with Mr. Wonka, each of the kids introduces themselves.
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    Its to Keep the Great Big Chocolatey Flavor Inside.

    Its to Keep the Great Big Chocolatey Flavor Inside.
    Rising Action 5:The tour of the factory starts at the Chocolate wonderland with everything in the room made of different types of candy. Willy talks about how the chocolate is made, and all the kids go around eating the chocolate and other candy.
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    Agustas That is not a Good Thing You Do!!

    Agustas That is not a Good Thing You Do!!
    Rising Action 6: Agustus is drinking the chocolate of the river and falls in as the pump for sucking up the chocolate comes over and sucks him in with the chocolate. He gets stuck but eventually the pressure pushes him all the way up.
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    The Great Big Greedy Nincompoop!

    The Great Big Greedy Nincompoop!
    Rising Action 7: The Oompa Loompas gather together and sing a song about how Augustus' greed for chocolate got him into trouble.
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    Flashback 1

    Flashback 1
    Rising Action 8:Willy Wonka has a flashback about his father not letting him eat candy because it was bad for teeth.
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    Stop the boat!

    Stop the boat!
    Rising Action 9: Willy shows the children around the Inventing Room where he's making everlasting-gobstoppers, hair toffee, and the last thing is the 3-course meal in 1 piece of gum.
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    Violet...You're Turning Violet!!!!!!

    Violet...You're Turning Violet!!!!!!
    Rising Action 10: Violet doesn't listen to Willy Wonka and with her mom supporting her she chews the piece of gum. She talks about how the gum tastes like a full meal but at the end when she gets to the pie she starts to swell up like a blueberry.
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    Chewing,Chewing All Day Long.

    Chewing,Chewing All Day Long.
    Rising Action 11: Oompa Loompas sing a song about how Violet is alwayse wanting to be number one and how she chews gum all the time.
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    I Want One!

    I Want One!
    Rising Action 12: As they enter the Nut Room, Willy Wonka explains why he uses squirrels to get out the walnuts. Varuca then says to her dad,"Daddy, I want a squirrel". Mr.Wonka refuses. So Varuca gets angry and try's to grab a squirrel resulting in her getting thrown into the garbage shoot.
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    Varuca's New Found Friends.

    Varuca's New Found Friends.
    Rising Action 13: The Oompa Loompas sing about how Varuca's mom and dad never said "no" to her, and that she was a brat and now will be going down the garbage shoot and meeting garbage that will be her new friends.
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    Willy Wonka Flashback 2

    Willy Wonka Flashback 2
    Rising Action 14: Willy has a fight about candy with his dad and runs away only to see that his father was gone when he came back.
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    Don't You Realise What You've Invented!?!?

    Don't You Realise What You've Invented!?!?
    Rising Action 15:They enter the Television Room and Willy Wonka explains how he can transfer a Wonka Bar into little particles and end up in a tv for a person to grab and eat. Mike Teavee yelled at Mr.Wonka and told him he created a teleporter. Mike decides to run to the control panel, pushes the button and stands on the platform. Mike is shrunk down and teleported to the tv. He believes he can be sent back the other way after he is shrunk, Mr. Wonka's solution is to put him in the taffy puller.
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    Never Let Them Near A Television Set!

    Never Let Them Near A Television Set!
    Rising Action 16: The Oompa Loompas sing about how Mike Teavee watches TV too much and it's caused him to be rude,mean and condensending.
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    Oh My Dear Boy!!

    Oh My Dear Boy!!
    Climax 1 : Grandpa Joe tells Mr.Wonka that Charlie is the the only child left. Mr.Wonka tells Charlie he won the prize
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    Up And Out!!!

    Up And Out!!!
    Climax 2: Mr.Wonka,Charlie and Grandpa Joe got back into the glass elevator, Mr.Wonka pushed a button that said "Up And Out"
    they went throught the glass ceiling of the factory. They saw the other children walking out of the factory. Mr.Wonka asked where they lived and he landed the glass elevator inside their house
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    I Think There's Someone At The Door.

    I Think There's Someone At The Door.
    After they landed in the house, Willy meets the Bucket family. Mr.Wonka offers his factory as the prize and Charlie refuses when he finds out he can't bring his family.
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    Things Are Going To Get Much Better!

    Things Are Going To Get Much Better!
    Falling Action 1: Things got better for the Buckets, Charlie helped his parents fix the roof. His dad got a better job at the toothpaste factory. The Buckets had food and comfort.
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    I Feel Terrible, So Now The Candy's Terrible

    I Feel Terrible, So Now The Candy's Terrible
    Falling action 2: Willy Wonka feels bad that Charlie said no to his offer and now Willy's work is being affected.
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    He Has a Funny Haircut.

    He Has a Funny Haircut.
    Falling Action 3: Willy finds Charlie in town and Charlie tells him that parents are not bad, they care for their children and talks Willy into making amends with his dad. He went to his father and they made up and hugged.
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    I'll Shuffle the Plates.

    I'll Shuffle the Plates.
    Resolution:Willy Wonka offers Charlie the factory again, Charlie says yes on one condition, that his family can come too. Willy Wonka agrees and Charlie and Willy work together in the factory and then go to Charlie's home afterwards. Charlie gains a factory, but Willy gains a family.