First publications: papers on anatomy and physiology
Graduates as Doctor of Medicine
Engagement to Martha Bernays
Studies under Charcot at the Salpětrière (hospital for nervous diseases) in Paris.Interest first turns to hysteria and hypnosis.
Continues work on neurology, especially on the cerebral palsies of children at the Kassowitz Institute in Vienna, with numerous publications.Gradual shift of interest from neurology to psychopathology
Begins to follow Breuer in using hypnosis for cathartic treatment of hysteria. Gradually drops hypnosis and substitutes free association
Researches and short papers on hysteria, obsessions, and anxiety Jointly with Breuer, Studies on Hysteria:case histories and description by Freud of his technique, including first account of transference
Introduces the term ‘psychoanalysis’
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. This, together with the book on dreams, made it plain that Freud’s theories applied not only to pathological states but also to normal mental life.
Writes a series of twelve ‘metapsychological’ papers on basic theoretical questions, of which only five have survived.
The Future of an Illusion A discussion of religion: the first of a number of sociological works to which Freud devoted most of his remaining years
Hitler seizes power in Germany: Freud’s books publicly burned in berlin
Death in London