Images xix


  • Sandhurst Manifiesto

    Sandhurst Manifiesto
    On 1 December 1874, Antonio Cánovas del Castillo the leader of the future Conservative Party, wrote a manifiesto, signed in Sandhurst, where he promise a constitucional government.
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    Reign of Alfonso XII

    In 1875 the monarchy was restored under Alfonso XII.
    Alfonso XII of Spain, kingdom in Spain between 1875 and 1885.
    He is the son of Queen Elizabeth II and King Francis of Assisi of Bourbon.
    The beginning of his reign ended the First Republic and gave strat to the Restoration.
  • PSOE is founded

    PSOE is founded
    PSOE or The Spanish Socialist Worker's Party was created by Pablo Iglesia in 1879, and was consolidated by the huge increased in the labour movement during this period.
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    Regency of María Christina

    Due to the death of Alfonso XII in 1885, Queen María Christina assumed the Regency between 1885 and 1902 in the Cortes on December 30, 1885 in the Palace of the Congress of Deputies. Until the birth of Alfonso XII who was named king from his birth.
    While Alfonso XIII was a minor, Maria Christina was in charge of ruling the country. The political system during the restoration and the Regency of María rested on 2 fundamental pillars: The Constitution of 1876 and the turnismo of political parties.
  • Bases de Manresa

    Bases de Manresa
    The Bases of Manresa were written by Prat de la Riba and in them, the proposals of Catalan nationalism were approved in 1892, a tendency that surgical the centralist system of the Restoration and that demanded official status for the Catalan language, the establishment of Catalan political parties and courts and Catalan autonomy.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris, was a treaty that signed Spain in 1898, where they recognized the independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
    Spain had no other choice and was forced to sign, because the United States declared the war, after the sinking of the U.S. Navy battleship Maine in the port of Havana in April 1898, since they accused Spain of having caused the explosion.
    The war took place in the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico.
    All Spanish fleets were destroyed by the United States.
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    Reign of Alfonso XIII

    Alfonso XIII was king from his birth in 1886, although his mother María Christina assumed the regency, since his father Alfonso II died before his birth.
    Alfonso XII began his reign in 1902 in a political enviroment characterised by the crisis of Cánova's political system between 1917 and 1923 which affected the military, political and social area of ​​Spain, the influence of regenerationism and the deaths of Cánovas in 1897 and Sagasta in 1903.
  • Tragic week of 1909

    Tragic week of 1909
    The Tragic week of 1909, were violent protests that took place in Barcelona, ​​since the Spanish occupation of its protectorate caused a war with the inhabitants of the Rif, which in 1909 demanded reservists to be called up the majority of whom were fathers.
  • Disaster of Annual

    Disaster of Annual
    When the crisis of the Cánovas system ended (1917-1923), in the period from 1919 to 1923, Spain experienced a period of political decline and was forced to form unity governments.
    These governments did not last long and faced various domestic and foreign challenges.
    Abroad, the annual disaster occurred, a brutal defeat suffered by Spain in the Rif War against Morocco. This defeat caused 10,000 deaths and a great public commotion, which negatively influenced public opinion.
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    Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera

    The Primo de Rivera dictatorship was a political regime in Spain that began from Miguel Primo de Rivera's coup d'état on September 13, 1923, until his resignation in January 1930 due to the economic crisis of 1929, the increase in unemployment, the expansion of the labor movement, nationalist problems and the rejection of many intellectuals,
    and that it would finally end with the start of the second republic on April 14, 1931.
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    Second Republic

    The Second Spanish Republic was a democratic regime that emerged in Spain on April 14, 1931, after the resignation of Primo de Rivera in 1930.
    At first of the Second Republic, a provisional government was formed , made up of Republicans, socialist and nationalist, and the constitution of 1931 was created.
    After, Niceto Alcalá-Zamora was elected president made up of the Republic, and Manuel Azaña led a coalition goverment.
    In 1933 the elections led to a victory of the political rigth and centre.
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.

    Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.
    The Second Republic was declared on April 14, 1931, since King Alfonso XIII was exiled, who had previously tried to return to the parliamentary system, since in January 1930, due to the 1929 economic crisis and other problems, Primo de Rivera was forced to resign.
    However it does not have a parliamentary system, due to citizens' disapproval of the king's support for the dictatorship that led to major republican victories in the 1931 municipal elections for several important cities.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The October Revolution of 1934 was caused by the increase in strikes and actions of the left parties, due to the arrest of the reforms of the new government, elected in the 1933 elections.
    It was a government formed by the radical republican centrist party, led by Alejandro Lerroux, who obtained parliamentary support from the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (CEDA).
    The revolution was more intense in Asturias and Barcelona.
  • Tragic Spring

    Tragic Spring
    The tragic spring of 1936 was the moment when politics reached its greatest violence, waves of attacks and street violence occurred between staunch Falangist, communist and anarchist activists.
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    Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War took place in Spain between (1936 -1939) between the Republicans and the Nationalists.
    The coup d'état began in Melilla, Tetuan and ceuta on 17 july 1936, and later it spread throughout Spain and the country was divided into 2 zones the Republican zone and the National zone(you couldn't choose the side, you belonged to a side according to your city).On March 28, the national army entered Madrid. On April 1,1939, Franco signed that the war was over. This war was catastrophic
  • Bombing of Gernika

    Bombing of Gernika
    The Gernika bombing was a tough battle caused by the Condor Legion of the German air force on April 26, 1937 when the civil war moved to the Cantabrian coast.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    Due to the fall of Cataluña, the government moved to Madrid. Differences between Republicans precipitated the end of the war.
    On March 28, the national army entered Madrid, and later it occupied the rest of the country.
    On April 1, 1939, Franco signed the statement that the war was over.