Siglo 20

  • Inicial of the period

    Inicial of the period
    Between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, a series of highly relevant events took place: geopolitical border conflicts, imperialist expansion and the rise of nationalism, which would lead to the First World War in 1914.
  • Period: to

    musician timespan

    Twentieth-century music tends to use the twelve sounds of the chromatic scale in a free manner; clearly attenuating, eliminating or fleeing from the sensation of tonal center. 2. There is an interest in the scales of medieval and/or exotic music, in search of new sonorities.
  • mexican revolution

    mexican revolution
    The Mexican Revolution was an armed conflict that began in Mexico on November 20, 1910. The background to the conflict dates back to the situation in Mexico under the dictatorship known as the Porfiriato. Porfirio Díaz exercised power in the country in a dictatorial manner from 1876 to 1911
  • Period: to

    cultural timespan

    During the 20th century, profound cultural changes took place that transformed the world. From important scientific and technological advances, new forms of expression such as cinema and photography, to the installation of the urban life model, they are part of these great changes.
  • Period: to

    Second World War

    Nazi Germany and the empire of Japan unleashed World War II, intending to establish, through military conquest, permanent dominance over Europe and Asia, respectively.
    German forces surrendered to the Allies on May 7, 1945. The surrender took effect the next day, May 8. World War II officially ended in most European countries on May 8 (Victory Day).
    1 sept 1939 – 2 sept 1945
  • musician event

    musician event
    Futurism is an Italian artistic movement that arose contemporaneously with Expressionism in Germany, which consisted of including noise in musical creation. Until then, Western music had only allowed the use of some percussion instruments.
  • politician event

    politician event
    On November 9, 1989, the German population peacefully, without shedding blood or firing a firearm, demolished the Berlin Wall, which divided the German capital for almost three decades, leading to the reunification of Germany and symbolizing with it, the end of the cold war
  • final of the period

    final of the period
    The 20th century has been the most intense and convulsive period in history that humanity has had to live through. It began in a time of catastrophes, experienced its golden age after 1945, and ended in an ideological collapse in which profound political events and social transformations took place.