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Short Term SMART Goals


    S- Buy a Macbook laptop for college
    M- Save $1,000 in order to buy it
    A- Save around $100 every pay period
    R- I would be giving up the ability to do other things that I enjoy. Next best would to get a cheaper laptop.
    T- By saving around $100 each pay period, in about 5 months, I should have $1,000 saved.
  • Step #1

    Step #1
    Start saving as soon as possible so I can get to the laptop sooner, possibly with a good deal if it comes up.
  • Step #2

    Step #2
    Look into which laptop I might want, to narrow it down and get more specific prices.
  • Step #3

    Step #3
    Keep an eye out for Black Friday or other deals that could help me with this purchase.
  • Step #4

    Step #4
    See which stores have the laptop and want and for the best price, in preparation to buying it.
  • Step #5

    Step #5
    Achieve my goal by buying the laptop.