Long Term Goal

By kebmott
  • Step #1

    Step #1
    I'm need to solve how to shorten my budget in order to save for the trip. I need to decide what cuts to make in my budget. I also need to start learning Greek.
  • Step #2

    Step #2
    Make sure that I'm on track with my saving of money. By 2 years I should have saved $2520.
  • Step #3

    Step #3
    I'm going to look at different events and activities that I could do while I'm over in Greece. I want to do a lot of fun activities that involve site-seeing and cultural experience.
  • Step #4

    Step #4
    I will make sure my budget is at the right amount. That amount should be $3780.
    Start looking at where you want be in Greece and different hotel prices.
  • Step #5

    Step #5
    I need to buy ticket at least 6 months before July of 2025, so I can find better deals on flights. Also look at different prices from different airlines. When you have the plane ticket pick a hotel and pay for the week your staying.
  • Long Term

    Long Term
    S: I'm going to save up for a trip to Greece.
    M: I'm going to save $6,300 for my trip.
    A: I'm going to save 105 dollars a month instead of stuff that I don't generally need and cutting back on the spending.
    R: I have determined that the opportunity cost of a trip to greece is more important than spending money on random stuff I don't need.
    T: I will save for 5 years, in order to get the right amount for my trip.
  • Step #6

    Step #6
    Get on the plane and enjoy the trip!!!