Shogunate Timeline

By Moni.T
  • 1185


    They appointed new military governors over the provinces. In 1185, the rival Taira was defeated at sea at the battle of Dan-no-ura by Yoritomo's brother Minamoto no Yoshitsune. In 1192, The Emperor Go-Toba appoints Yoritomo as shogun(military leader) with a residence in Kamakura, establishing the bakufu system of Government.
    In 1199, Minamoto no Yoritomo died.
  • Period: 1185 to 1333

    The Kamakura Period

  • 1336


    Ashikaga Takauji overthrew the Kamakura shogunate, in effect defeating the Taira once more and returning the Minamoto power. In 1338 to 1573, The uniquely Japanese arts of the tea ceremony, flower arranging, and no drama were developed, while the sung style of ink painting(sumi) reached it's height. Their works are characterized by economy of execution, forceful brushstrokes, and asymmetrical composition, with emphasis on unfilled space.
  • Period: 1336 to 1573

    The Muromachi Period

  • Events/Achievements

    Tokugawa Ieyasu shaped the period by the agricultural flaws of the land opened new and innovative doors for food and culture and the bushido code developed an honourable way of life and created hard working social classes for many years. The Tokugawa period was was marked by eternal peace, political stability and economic growth. Social order was officially frozen, and mobility between classes(warriors, farmers, artisans and merchants) was forbidden.
  • Period: to

    The Tokugawa Period