
  • 65

    peter and paul are executed

    peter and paul are executed
    martyrdom of the churchs two greatest apostles forces church leadership into a new era
  • 70

    titus destroys jerusalm

    titus destroys jerusalm
    christianity and judaism official broke since christanity fled from jerusalm
  • 380

    emperor theodosius

    emperor theodosius
    I made nicene christianity the state church of the roman empire with the edict of thessalonica
  • 461

    the council of chalcedon

    the council of chalcedon
    concluded that Jesus was completely and fully God. The council confessed that this total man and this total God was one completely normal person. in other words, Jesus combined two nature human and divine, in one person.
  • 590

    gregory the great

    gregory the great
    the first of the Mediveal popes takes on civil power and lays the foundation for the papal state. he also compassions , in 597, Augustine's mission to England, which converts the pagan angles.
  • 663

    syond of whitby

    syond of whitby
    decisively aligns the English churches with rome for the next nine centuries
  • 732

    battle of tours

    battle of tours
    Frankish generl Charles martel halts the seemingly unstoppable muslims invastion, keeping Europe under christens controls.
  • 1208

    francis of assisi

    renouces wealth in order to preach a simple, passionate gospel, and later founds the Franciscan order.
  • 1215

    Innocent 3

    the fourth lateran councils, which climaxes the rule of the medieval churches most influential pope and defines transubstantiation.
  • 1321

    dantes divine comsedy

    dantes  divine comsedy
    masterful poetic exspression to medieval concepts of heaven, hell, and purgatory and shapes later thought.