Feb 5, 1027
End of shang dynasty
End of shang dynasty,beginnig of Western Zhou dynasty -
Feb 5, 1028
Shang gets conquered
Zhou conqured the last shang dynasty -
Feb 3, 1046
The end is near.
Battle of Muye, King Zhou dies and his palace is burnt to the ground, end of Shang Dynasty -
Feb 3, 1050
The end
Shang dynasty gets taken down . -
Feb 3, 1101
Knew ruler
King Di Yi is ruler -
Feb 3, 1122
Fun fact
Zhou Dynasty is founded on the periphery of the Shang realm -
Feb 9, 1300
400 years after King Tang begins the dynasty, King Pan Geng rules. -
Feb 3, 1500
The first economy started -
The beginging
THe shang dynasty started in 1600 B.C.