Sewall wright

Sewall Wright

  • Birth

    Sewall Green Wright was born to parents Philip Green Wright and Elizabeth Quincy Sewall Wright (some sources cite the pair as a pair of first cousins, ironically due to Wright's future research and inbreeding) in Melrose, Massachusetts.
    Pictured is the turn of the century town hall of Melrose.
  • Galesburg

    After father, Phillip Wright accepted a teaching position at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois the family moved there when Sewall was very young.
    Pictured is one of the many buildings on campus at Lombard.
    Note that the exact date within the year above is ambiguous due to a lack of exact details from sources.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    Wright graduated from Galesburg High School at the end of the 1905-1906 academic year.
    Pictured is a photograph of the modern face of Galesburg High School.
    Note that the exact date within the year above is ambiguous due to a lack of exact details from sources.
  • BSc Mathematics

    BSc Mathematics
    Lombard College
    Pictured is a postcard from the early years of the college.
    Note that the exact date within the year above is ambiguous due to a lack of exact details from sources.
  • Science Doctorate

    Science Doctorate
    Harvard University
    Pictured is a view of the presetegious Harvard campus of Cambridge, MA.
    Note that the exact date within the year above is ambiguous due to a lack of exact details from sources.
  • Period: to

    University of Chicago

    Professor of Genetics
    Note that the exact date within the year above is ambiguous due to a lack of exact details from sources.
  • Evolution in Mendelian Populations

    Evolution in Mendelian Populations
    This paper established that under different unique pressures the prevelence of certain alelles will become less extensive due to environmental differences.
    Pictured is the campus of the University of Chichago, where Wright taught at the time of this works publishing.
    Note that the exact date within the year above is ambiguous due to a lack of exact details from sources.
  • Period: to

    World War II

    A period of worldwide conflict and unanticipated technological and scientific advancements.
  • Period: to

    University of Wisconsin

    Professor of Genetics
    Note that the exact date within the year above is ambiguous due to a lack of exact details from sources.
  • Death

    Wright died shortly after an accidental fall he sustained while retired at 99 years of age in Madison, Wisconsin.
    Pictured is an aireal view of Madison, not having changed much since the late 1980s.