Semester Timeline Spielman

  • 1418

    Prince Henry sends out expeditions to Africa

    Prince Henry funds the expeditions to allow them to explore Africa
  • 1440

    The printing press is invented

    the innovated printing press is invented by Johannes Gutenburg.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus sails across the Atlantic Ocean

    Christopher Columbus sails with three ships full men across the Atlantic ocean
  • May 20, 1498

    Vasco da Gama sails to India

    Vasco da Gama discovers a new trading route to India
  • 1501

    Amerigo Vespacci claims that it is new land.

    Amerigo tells many that the new found land is not Asia but a entirely new land mass
  • 1503

    The Mona Lisa is painted by Leonardo Da Vinci

    The famous painting is created by Leonardo
  • 1504

    Statue of David is created

    The statue of David is created by Michelangelo
  • 1506

    Pedro Alvares Cabral reaches modern day Brazil

    A Portuguese explorer named Pedro Alvares Cabral sails to modern day Brazil
  • 1512

    The 16th Chapel is painted

    Michelangelo paints the 16th Chapel
  • 1516

    Eramus edits the New Testament

    Eramus was a renaissance thinker who edits the New Testament
  • 1517

    Luther hammers the 95 thesis on his church door

    After being fed up with how the Catholic Church ran things he nails 95 thesis that speak against the church.
  • 1519

    Magellan sails off

    Magellan takes 250 men and 5 ships
  • 1520

    Luther is excommunicated from the Catholic Church

    After Luther nails the 95 thesis to the door of his church. The Catholic Church excommunicates him when he refuses to remove them.
  • 1521

    Hernando Cortez conquer the Aztecs

    Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortez invades South America and take over.
  • 1522

    What remains of Magellan's crew sucessfully circumnavigate the globe

    Only 18 men and a ship return from the journey Magellan dies during the trip
  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro conquers the Incan Empire

    Spanish Conquistador Francisco Pizarro takes over the Incans
  • 1534

    The Jesuit are founded

    A Catholic order devoted to the Catholic Church is founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola
  • 1534

    Henry viii breaks from the catholic church

    When the pope said that he will not let Henry divorce his wife he broke from the church
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier sails for the Americas

    French explorer Jacques sails for modern day Canada only to bring back fool's gold and quartz
  • 1540

    The Jesuits are recognized by the pope

    The Jesuits are finally recognized by Pope Paul iii as a order of the Catholic Church.
  • 1542

    Pope Paul starts the Roman Inquistition

    To counter the reformation the Pope starts an inquistion
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus creates the Heliocentric model

    Copernicus creates a model showing that the Sun is in the center not the Earth
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    Pope Paul iii meets with church leaders three times

    The Pope meets with the Catholic church's cardinals to reform the church.
  • Spanish armada is defeated by Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake is hired by Queen Elizabeth the first to help them defeat the Spanish armada
  • Romeo and Juliet is written

    The famous play Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespare
  • Henry iv gives Hugnenots religious freedom

    King Henry iv give protestants freedom from religious intolerance
  • Galileo invents telescope

    Galileo invents the telescope and with it he observe some of the planets in our solar system
  • Johannes Kepler discover Laws of Planetery Motion

    This scientific law helps modern day scientists better understand our universe
  • Period: to

    The Thirty Years War

    The war was fought between the northern German states against the southern German states who sided with the Catholic Church.
  • William Harvey discovers blood circulation in the body

  • Parliamnet passes laws to limit royal power

    The Parliament of Britain passes laws to limit their monarch's power
  • Period: to

    Louis xiv rules France

    Louis rules as a absolute monarch and is one of the longest reigning monarchs in the history of France
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    The English Civil War is fought between Parliament and the monarch Charles i
  • The Puritans recruit Oliver Cromwell as general

    After years of a stalemate the Puritans recruit Oliver Cromwell to help defeat the Loyaltist
  • The English King is taken prisoner

    Charles the i is taken as a prisoner when Puritan forces defeat the Loyalist forces
  • Charles the i is executed

    Charles is brought to trial and is sentenced to death
  • Thomas Hobbes publishes Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes publishes his book talking about how people are naturally evil and need a strong absolute monarch to keep them in check.
  • Parliament ask for Charles the ii to become king

    After Oliver dies and his government crumbles Parliament asks Charles ii to become king of England
  • Charles ii is crowned king

    Charles the ii returns to England and is crowned as the ruling monarch
  • Isaac Newton discovers the 3 Laws of Motion

    Isaac discovers one of the most famous scientific laws
  • Versailles is built

    Louis the xiv builds Versailles which may or may ruin France's economy
  • Period: to

    Peter the great rules over Russia

    During his rule he helps modernize Russia
  • Charles the ii dies and James the ii becomes king

    Charles ii dies and since he never had children his brother James the ii becomes king of England
  • James ii is overthrown by his daughter and her husband

    James' daughter and her husband William iii overthrow him making them the ruling monarchs
  • Parliament drafts English Bill of Rights

    After the Glorious Revolution the British Parliament passes this bill to limit the power of royal power in England
  • John Locke writes the Two Treatise of Government

    A English Enlightenment thinker John Locke spoke against the monarchy
  • Montesquien publishes the Spirit of Laws

    Enlightenment thinker Montesquien publishes his famous book
  • Voltaire writes Candide

    French enlightenment thinker Voltaire writes against the monarchy and the clergy
  • Jean Jacque publishes the Social Contract

    enlightenment thinker Jean writes and publishes his work
  • Fredrick the great's rule ends

    Fredrick the great dies after ruling as a absolute monarch
  • The National Assembly issues the Declaration of Rights of Men and Citizens

    The French National Assembly publishes the Declaration of Rights of Men and Citizens
  • Thousands of women march to Versailles

    Thousands of women march to the French king's palace and drags him back to Paris
  • The 3rd Estate take the Tennis Court Oath

    After being kicked out of the Estate General Meeting the 3rd Estate generals take the Tennis Court oath
  • The French people storm the Bastille

    French citizens of the 3rd Estate storm the prison sparking the revolution
  • Robespierre starts Reign of Terror

    Revolution radical Robespierre starts Reign of Terror until he is beheaded which ends the Reign of Terror
  • Louis the xvi is executed

    Louis xvi is executed by French revolutionaries
  • Napoleon is crowned Emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself as the Emperor of France and he crowns his wife as empress
  • Britain joins Spain to fight in the Peninsular war

    Britain helps Spain drive off French forces from Spain
  • Napoleon leads the disastrous Russian campaign

    Napoleon attempts to invade Russia with 600,000 troops only 94,000 return
  • Battle of the Nations

    Napoleon's army battles against an alliance of countries and is defeated with Napoleon being exiled
  • Napoleon returns to power

    Napoleon returns to his former glory for a hundred days
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is faced against another alliance of countries which again defeats his army and Napoleon is sent back into exile
  • Eugene Delacroix paints Liberty Leading the People

    Famous painter and a supporter of the Enlightenment he creates this painting