Never Miss A Beat
<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-rgIPIkCl4' >a song.</a> The start of band camp, and my introduction to high school life. I really enjoyed meeting new people, and talking to those I had met before. Learning the comands and memorizing music and marching charts really helped me get to know other people and make me love band even more. -
Exile Vilify
click! First day of high school. I met my camp teacher and got used to this awkward building. In Comm Arts, we learned about Metacognition and how we analise our own thought processes. -
song! Our first day of communiction arts. We learn the word metacognition. I now know about my own thoughts! :D -
The Other Side
song! The day I moved from the south end, to the north end. It felt like I had moved to a different town. From my house that I had grown up in to a totally new place was hard, but now as i look back, all the memories I had there were painful. Some fun and enjoyable. Others reminded me of the bad times in my family. -
Dance Inside
song link! I first got involved with The Drowsy Chaperone, asking to be an assiant director. My first step towards loving the theatre.
Picture: 'Girls Night' of all the girls involved. -
Being the Change
video! The video we made about changing the world, and what we would do if we were in charge of the world. I really like the assignment and working with multimedia. I learned that the kids in this class don't understand my level of thinking. :( -
The Words 'Best Friend' Become Redefined
Just a little song. The date isn't all the clear, as I can't remember the exact day, but it was a point where my best friend started hating me for something I never said. It really hurt me. -
Let's go get stoned.
song! The first time I had tried this 'alternitive hobby'. It made me realise how the world is different to different people and their views. -
It's Kind of a Funny Story
A book by Ned Vizzini. One of my favorite books. It made me think of all those people who may have good lives, but that doesn't mean they're happy. Kind of like me. -
An Accident Waiting To Happen.
a song! c: The Drowsey Chaperone opened up at Benton. It was the first musical at Benton in 12 years. It was also the first production I had ever been involved with. It made me love theatre.
Picture: At iHop where the cast made a "FrankenPancake" (: -
song! My favorite video game came out, and I spent several months beating it and unlocking everything. I really enjoy video games. -
What's My Age Again?
click for the song! My birthday. I got my permit to drive this day, also. I was quite proud of my self. I realised at that moment, that soon I'll be an adult, and making my own choices. -
Period: to
Song! The time span of when I missed a lot of school. It was also when a majority of the snow days took place. Snow makes me tired and sickly. :( -
Stay Together For The Kids
song. My parents aniversary. It's the first one they've spent apart from each other. Like, actually just not haivng anyhting to do with each other. It really makes me sad that I'll never have a whole family. -
When The Sun goes Down
:D another song! The Brothers Grimm play opens. I held the sign in the very beginning. My first part on stage kinda. I really enjoyed working with all my friends. -
A Human Did This
sonnnnng! Research begins on our story thingy! :D We learned about Primary and Secondary Sources. C: -
clicky! Our historical fiction stories were due. I really enjoyed writing the story. I learned how to make bibliographies and making a good story! -
Want you Gone
song! My favorite game comes out. All time favorite game, at that. It's really all that effective to my life, but I really like it. :D -
My Unfortunate Erection
Song :D! The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee play that the theatre kids went to see. It was amazingly funny. -
Bad Communication
just a song. My father wasn't there when I had my first part in a play ever. I cried in the lower annex bathroom by myself. It was a miscommunication, but he still knew. -
Me And You
song! I realized that I should pay better attention to things. I should try harder to be a better person, as nice as I already am. I need to try. If I don't feel like I do enough, I should do more. That's my truth/beauty. That no matter how good you are, there's room for improvement. -
After the Storm
a little song. The last day of my freshman year at Benton High School. A year I will never forget.