Civil Right Pictorial Timeline

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    A U.S. Amendment abolishing slavery, specifically upon African American. From this amendment, African American were no longer held as a slave, giving them freedom from their servitude. Was first huge civil right leap for African American.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    A U.S Amendment granting African American an equal rights and citizenship. It was great civil right enhancement for African American, which ending the slavery wasn't the ultimate solution but by granting them with equal civic rights and citizenship, they were closer to equal qualities of rights.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    A U.S Amendment which prevented deny of right to vote upon people based on their race, color, and social status. Was specifically for African American, providing them with opportunities to participate in democracy.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    U.S supreme court case, in which two different races are separated, but as long as facilities and other qualities are equal, then it is constitutional, which it isn't racial segregation. Because of this case stand out as precedent of future events, later 1900's separated both African Americans and White Americans, which led to increase of racial segregation.

    NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, form under the purpose of improving equality among different races, preventing racial discrimination, and ensuring the secure access to the economic equality, education and political participation. By the establishment of this organization, their involvement over many civic and racial issue led to improvement of other minority ethnic groups civic right.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    A U.S Amendment ratified under the purpose of granting a women a voting right. It improved women's quality of life by increasing the opportunities to be involved in political events and further expanding their social status that impacts other conflicts in U.S. society.
  • Chicano Movement

    Chicano Movement
    Civil rights movement established by Mexican Americans which shared similar goals with the United Farm Workers Organization, improvement in qualities of life, enhancement of education and other civic rights. It was a turning point for other minority ethnic groups such as Mexican Americans to demand for equal and improved civic rights.
  • Truman's Desegregation of the Military

    Truman's Desegregation of the Military
    President Truman's executive order to request desegregation in military services to establish equality of opportunities and other equal rights for different ethnic groups. It was essential demand that brought change to the military organization, which provided with equal rights and end or racial discrimination during the warfare.
  • Brown V Board of Education

    Brown V Board of Education
    U.S. Supreme court case upholding the precedent of Plessy V Ferguson, establishing new standard of constitutionality, in which declaring that racial discrimination in public facility is unconstitutional. It was significant events as it declared that segregation based on different races was unconstitutional.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Non violent civil right protest, event triggered by African American lady 'Rosa Park' who refused to give up the seat to the white passenger, later was charged by the police. Later caused many African Americans to participate in this protest by boycotting the Montgomery public transportation. It was essential and significant event contributed to the civil right movement, in which enhanced the African American civil right of public transportation.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Non violent civil right protest, event triggered by African American lady 'Rosa Park' who refused to give up the seat to the white passenger, later was charged by the police. Later caused many African Americans to participate in this protest by boycotting the Montgomery public transportation. It was essential and significant event contributed to the civil right movement, in which enhanced the African American civil right of public transportation.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    U.S law signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower, preventing denial of citizen's right to vote especially for African American, based on their racial status. By properly eliminating and providing equal access to participation in democracy encouraged many African Americans to demand change in equal rights and qualities of life.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    They were civil rights activist referred as Freedom Riders. Sharing similar goals with Montgomery Bus Boycott, but quite different way, they were aiming for desegregation upon public transportation and other public facilities by traveling into the segregated part of the U.S. Although the their challenge against enforcement caused a sacrifice, it was enough for civil right movement to gain its acceleration.
  • I have a Dream Speech

    I have a Dream Speech
    Speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. delivering the demand of African American society to gain equal rights, qualities of life, and the end of racial discrimination. This speech was crucial and had an impact on civil right movement, to continue to fight for end of the segregation and for better future.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    A U.S. Amendment preventing any requirements of conditions under the purpose of "Jim Crow" law, or preventing restrictions on African Americans participation by voting and denying their voting right by payment of a poll tax. It contributed to the civil rights movement through eliminating any illogical restrictions on African Americans voting right and increasing their participation into the democracy.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    An addition to the previous civil rights act, which prevented any types of discrimination based on their race, sex ,and national origin. Because of this types of prevention affecting upon discrimination, it prevents any restriction for minority ethnic group's opportunities to be participating in social democracy or other job opportunities denied based on their discriminating factors.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Law signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, preventing any restrictions based on racial factors that limited African Americans to participate in political events. This law enabled African Americans to freely exercise their rights to vote in order to participate in any political elections to demand equal civic rights or necessary political changes.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    Political organization originated under the purpose of self defense, black superiority, and fighting off social injustice based off from racial factors such as police brutality and poor qualities of life for African American. As for civil rights movement, it was slight off from the concepts or ideal of black power that black panther party tried to resemble. It was more of Black superiority.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    Occur in Memphis, Tennessee, by individual who owned firearm. Purpose of assassination was that he was supporting for equality and enhancement of African American's quality of life and opportunities. This event was enough to increase the amount of support upon civil rights movement as Martin Luther King Jr. itself were huge influence of non violent protest demanding for equal rights and enhancement of their quality of life.
  • Chicano Movement

    Chicano Movement
    Civil rights movement established by Mexican Americans which shared similar goals with the United Farm Workers Organization, improvement in qualities of life, enhancement of education and other civic rights. It was a turning point for other minority ethnic groups such as Mexican Americans to demand for equal and improved civic rights.