scottsboro boys

  • The Begining

    The Begining
    a railroad train is stopped in paint rock, alabama
  • The Accusement

    the 9 boys are acused of raping white women on the train
  • Trails Start

    the trails foer the boys begin
  • The Sentance

    after the trail the 9 boys are givin the death pentilty
  • Second Chance

    Second Chance
    the supreme court stops the ruling and says that theyll revisit the case (not the real day)
  • only one of 9

    hayward pattersons is found guilty and sentenced death
  • Death Row

    Death Row
    haywards punishment is decided top be death by electric chair
  • Savior

    he is saved because the trails are postponed due to high tensions
  • Dropped

    all charges are dropped on the boys and a new one starts (picture is like dropped, like dropped ice cream)
  • Period: to

    New Charges

    hayward and clarence norris are trailed for rape
  • Bribing

    two layers are charged with bribing victoria price in her trails (not real day)
  • The New Sentence

    hayward patterson is sentenced 75 years of prision time
  • The Fate Of Some Of The Others

    clarence norris- Death
    andy write-99 years in jail
    charlie weems-75 years in prison
    azzie powell- 20 years for assult
  • Saved Again

    clarences sentence is changed from death to life in prison
  • Almost 40 Years Later

    Almost 40 Years Later
    in 1976 clarnce is pardoned from jail by gov george wallace in alabama
  • They`re All Gone

    the last of the 9 boys dies a freeman, clarence norris dies at age 76