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Scottsboro Boys

  • the scottsborro boys

    the scottsborro boys
    the scottsborro boys were accused of raping two women
  • Condemned Negroes Riot In Alabama Jail

    eight of the boys are sentenced for death for attck on white girls
  • Special Cable to The New York Times

    Communist newspapers, to which may be attributed responsibility for recent mob attacks on the American Consulates at Dresden and Leipzig, are making a capital of the Scottsboro convictions.
  • Volleys Disperse Alabama Negroes

    One Is Killed, 3 Are Wounded and 17 Arrested at Death Sentence Protest Meeting.
  • Taking defense

    Clarence Darrow and Arthur Garfield Hays of New York were here today preparing to take the defense of the eight Negroes convicted and sentenced to death at Scottsboro on a charge of attacking two white girls on March 25.
  • Consulting the counsel

    Darrow In Alabama To Aid Eight Negroes He and Hays Consult Counsel of Condemned Men on a Defense if New Trial is Granted
  • denial of rape

    Ruby Bates, in a letter to a Earl Streetman, denies that she was raped.
  • Haywood Patterson's conviction

    Judge Horton sets aside Haywood Patterson's conviction and grants a new trial.
  • Re-election bid

    Judge Horton is defeated in his bid for re-election
  • Forged names

    Samuel Leibowitz makes his first appearance before the Supreme Court of the United States. He describes the absence of blacks in Jackson County juries and presents the justices with the jury rolls with forged names. The justices use magnifying glasses to determine the overlay of inks on the page.
  • The Conviction

    Conviction of Haywood Patterson is upheld by the Alabama Supreme Court.
  • realesed parole

    Andy Wright and Clarence Norris are released on parole
  • Arrests and prison

    Patterson is arrested by the FBI in Detroit; Michigan Governor G. Mennen Williams refuses to sign the extradition papers to return him to Alabama. Alabama abandons attempts to return him to prison.
  • pardoning and exonerating

    Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signs legislation officially pardoning and exonerating all nine Scottsboro Boys.
  • Sheriff shoots Ozzie

    Ozzie Powell is shot in the head by Sheriff Jay Sandlin while attacking Deputy Sheriff Edgar Blalock.