Scottsboro boys in jefferson county everett

Scottsboro Boys

  • When it all started

    When it all started
    Fearing a mob outbreak at Scottsboro, county seat of Jackson County, following the arrest of nine Negroes charged with attacking two white girls.
  • supreme court

    supreme court
    Alabama Supreme Court, by a vote of 6-1, affirms the convictions of seven of the boys. The conviction of Eugene Williams is reversed on the grounds that he was a juvenile under state law in 1931.
  • death sentence

    death sentence
    Haywood Patterson and Clarence Norris are tried for rape, convicted, and sentenced to death.
  • Charlie weems

    Charlie weems
    Charlie Weems is paroled.
  • haywood patterson

    haywood patterson
    Haywood Patterson is convicted for a fourth time of rape and is sentenced to 75 years in prison.
  • charges

    Clarence Norris is convicted of rape and sentenced to death. Andy Wright is convicted and sentenced to 99 years for rape. Charlie Weems is convicted and sentenced to 75 years. Ozzie Powell pleads guilty to assaulting the sheriff and is sentenced to 20 years.
  • Charges dropped

    Charges dropped
    Roy Wright, Eugene Williams, Olen Montgomery and Willie Roberson were released after all charges were dropped against them.
  • Norris and Andy wright

    Norris and Andy wright
    Norris and Andy Wright are paroled.
  • norris and Wright

    norris and Wright
    Norris and Wright leave Montgomery in violation of their paroles.
  • Norris

    Norris is returned to prison.
  • ozzie powell

    ozzie powell
    Ozzie Powell is paroled.
  • patterson

    Patterson is convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 6 to 15 years. He dies of cancer less than a year later.
  • Victoria price

    Victoria price
    Victoria Price's suit against NBC for its movie "Judge Horton and the Scottsboro Boys," which she claimed defamed her and invaded her privacy, is dismissed. Price dies five years later.
  • Clarence norris

    Clarence norris
    Clarence Norris, the last surviving Scottsboro boy, dies at age 76.
  • legislation signed

    legislation signed
    Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signs legislation officially pardoning and exonerating all nine Scottsboro Boys.