Gregor Mendel 1866-1884
Mendel was born in a german speaking family.He's known to be the father of genetics.He was known for certain traits in pea-plants. -
Friedrich Miescher-1869-1895
He discovered phosphorous and nitrogen in white blood cells from cell nuclei.When he separated it in to protein and acid he then discovered it as DNA. -
Oswald Avery-1877-1955
He found that DNA is a transformation factor.He repeated griffith's experiment.He was in in the field of molecular biology. -
Frederick Griffith-1877-1941
He was a bacteriologist and he studied the function and transformation of bacteria. -
Erwin Chargaff-1905-2002
He discovered two rules that led to the discovery of the double helix.He immigrated to the United States in the nazi era. -
Rosalind Franklin 1920-1958
She was an English chemist and an X-ray crystallographer of the molecular structures of DNA,RNA and many other viruses. -
They both concluded that DNA was the genetic material.They determined to that protective protein coat was formed by a bacteriophage. -
They both worked together on studying the structure of DNA.They set the stages for molecular biology. -
They started the sequencing of the human genome.It was called the bread on the string.