scientist timeline

  • 350


    wrote astronomical manuals
  • 470


    starters in the western system logic
  • Dec 27, 1571

    johannes kepler

    exlpain how the teloscoped worked
  • charles boyle

    created the gas laws
  • Ben Franklin

    invented electricity
  • caroline herschel

    first women to discover a comet
  • John Dalton

    made the atomic theory
  • christian doppler

    created the doppler affect
  • charles dawrin

    evolution theory
  • Florence nightingale

    started the first secagretion school
  • alfred nobel

    created a safer way for exsplosives
  • thomas edison

    invented thelight bulb
  • marie curie

    discoverd radio activity
  • alfred wegner

    created the plate tectonic theory
  • harry hess

    revived the plate tectonic theory
  • wernher von bruan

    german rocket maker
  • richard p. feynman

  • rosalind franklin

  • joanne simpson

    fist women metorologist
  • Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin

    second man on the moon
  • neil armstrong

    first man on the moon
  • stephen hawking

    black hole theory
  • sally ride

    first female astrunat in space
  • carl edward sagen

    hero ofthe space race
  • aristotle

    classification on plants and animals
  • plato

    built his own college in athens