scientific revolution timeline

  • 1400


    Humanism was an intellectual movement embraced by scholars, writers, and civic leaders in 14th- and early-15th-century Italy. Humanism was an optimistic philosophy that saw man as a rational and sentient being, with the ability to decide and think for himself
  • 1415


    Renaissance artists were largely concerned with painting realistic scenes, and linear perspective gave them a reliable method to accomplish this realism, which helped make their paintings all the more captivating
  • 1450

    printing revolution

    printing revolution
    an innovation enabled people to share knowledge more quickly and widely. Civilization never looked back. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and the invention of the mechanical movable type printing press helped disseminate knowledge wider and faster than ever before
  • Apr 15, 1452

    leonardo da vinci

    leonardo da vinci
    he was one of the greatest artist at the time. He inspired people to study the world and humanism. he made remarkable contribution to scientific, engineering and others.
  • 1473

    scientific method

    scientific method
    This helped to spread new scientific discoveries as well, allowing scientists to share their works and learn from each other. The Scientific Method was further developed during the Renaissance. Galileo used controlled experiments and analyzed data to prove, or disprove, his theories
  • Mar 6, 1475


    he was a famous sculptor, painter, poet, and architect. he changed peoples views on art. he impact Europe by giving them new standards with sculpting and art
  • Feb 7, 1478

    thomas more

    thomas more
    Thomas More was named Chancellor in the 1500 where supported the Catholic Church and entirely denounced the heretics of the Protestant Reformation and helped keep the Catholic Church afloat during the long period of criticism.
  • Apr 6, 1483


    was a master painter and architect. his work was admired by for the visual achievement. was best known for the madonnas
  • Aug 10, 1483

    martin luther

    martin luther
    changed the religious and cultural history in the west. he was a monk . he mad the 95 thesis. which the 95 thesis propounded two central beliefs.
  • Jul 2, 1489

    thomas cranmer

    thomas cranmer
    the Exhortation and Litany. When Edward came to the throne, Cranmer was able to promote major reforms. He wrote and compiled the first two editions of the Book of Common Prayer, a complete liturgy for the English Church.
  • Jan 22, 1561

    francis bacon

    francis bacon
    he served as attorney general. His more valuable work was philosophical. Bacon took up Aristotelian ideas, arguing for an empirical, inductive approach, known as the scientific method.
  • 1564

    william shakespeare

    william shakespeare
    he created a new style of play writing. which in his times was a big deal because way back then comedies were comedies and tragedies were tragedies, He was also known for his theater, The Globe.
  • rene descrtes

    rene descrtes
    He was the first major figure in the philosophical movement known as rationalism, a method of understanding the world based on the use of reason as the means to attain knowledge.
  • heliocentric theory

    heliocentric theory
    T heliocentric solar system and laws of planetary motion. He stated that Earth is one of seven planets in the solar system around the Sun, which is stationary
  • isaac descartes

    isaac descartes
    he revolutionized our understanding of our world. He was a real Renaissance man with accomplishments in several fields, including astronomy, physics and mathematics. Newton gave us new theories on gravity, planetary motion and optics