Science and Technology Timeline

  • Dwarf planet

    Dwarf planet
    Pluto was discovered in 1930 as a planet.But in 2006 they decided that it was too small to be a planet and renamed it as a dwarf planet.
  • 2006 born

    2006 born
    I was born on September 25,2006.
  • The iPhone

    The iPhone
    In 2007 the first iPhone was created by Apple.
  • 4g internet

    4g internet
    4g Internet came after 3g internet succeeding it. So that uploads and downloads would be faster.And the internet would work faster.
  • Water in Space

    Water in Space
    On November 13,2009 revealed data from satellites that there was water in a permanent shadowed Lunar crater.This stopped the aurgement that there was not water in space
  • Siblings

    In 2010 my mom gave birth to my first sibling.
  • Synthetic life

    Synthetic life
    On May 20,2010 they announced Synthetic life. This was made, so that they can easily study the Origins of Life by building it up and not breaking it down.
  • The creation of Snap chat

    The creation of Snap chat
    On July 8,2011 Snap chat was published to the public. It became a very popular app that is used to easily send videos and photos to friends. And a way to communicate to your peers. And is still popular to this day.
  • the cruise

    the cruise
    I went on a cruise with my family and this was my favorite trip because we went to many places. And we were also able to go with my grandparents.
  • The move

    The move
    In 2013 we had to move houses. We moved because my mom was pregnant and we needed to up size the house so we could fit on more child. We moved to the house that I live in today.
  • The passing

    The passing
    In 2014 My Great Grandma passed away.It was expected because of her age but affected my family.
  • Apple pay

    Apple pay
    In 2014 Apple pay was introduced to the public and became very popular. Because of how easy it was to use. All you have to do is insert you card information into the app.And next time your at the store. Put your phone up to the card reader and your done.
  • Switching schools

    Switching schools
    After moving houses my parents decided the drive to my old school was to long. So they moved me to a school closer to my house.
  • Autopilot

    In October of 2015 Tesla released there 7.0 version of the car.This version has autopilot enabled in it. Allowing the driver to stop driving all together and the car drives for them.
  • Google Assistant

    Google Assistant
    This is either a device placed in your house or on your phone.That you can easily communicate with getting answers,ordering,or even doing things like turning off and on your lights.
  • Cell therapy

    Cell therapy
    This is where they take human cells, so that they can replace the damaged cells.They are many different types of cell therapy now but there was only one approved in 2017.
  • New things

    New things
    I've always liked trying new sports and this particular year I wanted to try cheer. I tried it and liked it more than the other sports I had tried previously. So that was the one I stuck with.
  • New dog

    New dog
    In 2020 my neighbor was selling dogs from her dog litter.My mom really wanted a bigger dog. So we decided to buy one of the girl dogs from her litter.
  • Starting high school

    Starting high school
    In 2021 was when I first started high school.
  • Drivers license

    Drivers license
    In 2022 I finally tuned 16.Meaning I was able to get my license, since I got my permanent after I turned 15.