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Schools in the Year 2020

  • Period: to

    Raney Intermediate by 2020

  • School Wide move for Pathways and BYOD program

  • First STEM Academy class begins

    STEM Academy begins with its first 7th grade class
  • Phase 1 of BYOD program

    First group of 6th and 7th grade students begin the Bring Your Own Device to school for digital learning experience
  • Corona STEM Academy implemented at 7th and 8th grade level.

    120 students enrolled in the Corona STEM Academy.
  • Phase 2 of BYOD program

    Around 500 students with a device on campus for daily digital learning.
  • Phase 3 of BYOD program

    Entire school is implementing a BYOD approach to learning. Every student in every class has a digital device with them for online learning.
  • Creative workspaces replace desks in all classrooms

    We will not see desks grouped into quads which was done as the trend went to more collaborative classrooms but tables that roll will become the center of creative workplaces.
  • Individualized Learning is happening in the pathway programs.

    Teacher PD has continued and we are three years in to the BYOD program. Individualized learning is happening through all of our pathways at Raney