School food picture

School Nutrition Program Timeline

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    Free and Reduced Lunch Program

    This Program was passed in 1946 and provides students in a certain income class to receive a nutritional meal each day at lunch..
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    The Milk Program

    This program origianlly started in 1940, but was made part of the Child Nutrition Act until the year 1960. This program provided children with a low price pint of whole milk each day at school.
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    The Breakfast Program

    This program was enacted in 1975, providing the students with a healthy breakfast option at their free or reduced price.
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    The Child Care Food Program

    The program started in 1968, and in ten years, 1978, the program had grown to cover all schools, sponsored facilities, and licensed or approved to care for children facilities.
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    The Social Security Act

    This act allowed eligible non resident child daycares to get reimbursement for feeding children under the age of 13.
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    Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

    This program provides healthy meals and snacks to adults and children in public and private non-profit facilities and it also provides them to emergency shelters