The Milk Program
The Milk Program originally began in Chicago in 1940. It wasn't until 1960 that the program became a part of the Child Nutrition Act in 1960. This is program provided needy children with a low price pint of whole milk. This prorgram allowed children, who didn't get milk because of the high cost, to have access to milk. This one of the many steps towards getting children the nutrion that they needed. -
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
The Free and Reduced Lunch Program began in 1946. This program was a part of the National School Act of 1946. This progams allows students in schools to recieve free or reduced lunch. To qualify a student's family must meet the required income. Since this program began, it has allowed many students to get a nutritional meal that they might otherwise not get if this program wasn't in effect. -
School Nutrition Act
The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act is a U.S. law that President Harry S. Truman created. It was created to ensure that children were eating well so they would grow up to be healthy, productive citizens. The school lunch program had been around for sometime before this act, but this act created a measure for all schools. The goal was to make sure every student was recieving a lunch with proper nutrition. It was a giant step towards getting children the proper nutrition they needed. -
The Breakfast Program
The Breakfast Program was orginally began as a pilot program. In 1975, the progam became permanent. This program provides students with a healthy breakfast at a free or reduced price. Again, this program is based on family income. This program allows students to start off the day with a nutritional meal. -
Hunger-Free Kids Act
In 2010, President Obama reauthorized the Hunger-Free Kids Act. This act provided more funding for school lunch programs. It also supported more fresh fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria. Also, it raised nutritional standards in child care facilities. This esentially revamped the school lunch programs. -
Let's Move! Program
Let's Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched in 2010, dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity. It focuses on providing healthier foods in schools, ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food, and helping kids become more physically active. Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic in America. This program takes steps and informs parents on how to reduce the chances of childhood obesity. This program is trying to change the future generation's health.