School Nutrition Program By Tiffany Guven

By Tguv99
  • Free and Reduced Lunch Program

    This program is an income based program that provides lunch at reduced cost for low income families.
  • Special Milk Program

    The special Milk Program started in 1954 and became permanent when it became a part of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966. The program reimburses schools for giving students free milk.
  • Child Nutrition Act of 1966

    This act extended the government efforts to feed the nation's children healthy and nutritious foods.
  • Breakfast Program

    The School Breakfast Program was made permanent in 1975. The Program gives the possibility to all students to have a nutritious breakfast every morning.
  • Let's Move! Program

    The program gives helpful advice to parents and children on how to live a healthier lifestyle by eating right and getting active
  • Hunger-Free Kids Act

    This Act gives funding to child nutrition programs and sets nutritional standards for schools.