School health Acts

  • Milk program

    Began in Chicago.
    Milk is good for students. All students might not have access to something nutritional like milk. For those students it is important. If you have to be in school 5 days a week, the food should benefit the students.
  • Schools

    President Harry S. Truman created the School Nutrition Act.
    The military was rejecting young people who where not healthy enough. This was most likely the school's food system fault. If students have no choice but to go to school the food shouldn't be damaging. With this the country's youth was healthier. It was good for students across the U.S..
  • Free and Reduced Lunch Program

    The National School Lunch Act. Provides students with a lunch for free or at a reduced price. Based on family income.
    This was good because once again we have no choice on going to school until a certain age. If a families income can't support them eating every day at school they shouldn't miss out on eating. The school is not missing out anything and neither is the student.
  • Breakfast Program

    Began as a pilot project. Provides students with a healthy breakfast at a free or reduced price. Based on family income.
    Breakfast is an important meal to start the day. Students wake up early to get ready for school. Most missing sleep for whatever reason. Students need all the sleep they can get before coming to school. Eating at home can take away from that time sleeping. Good for schools too because students have option for breakfast and can perform better on academic activities.
  • Let's Move Program

    Let's Move! Let's Move! offers parents helpful information and fosters environments that support healthy choices. It focuses on providing healthier foods in schools, ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food, and helping kids become more physically active.
  • Hunger-Free Kids Act

    President Obama reauthorized the Hunger-Free Kids Act. This act provides more funding for school lunch programs. It also supports more fresh fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria. It also raises nutritional standards in child care facilities. It allows for the USDA to raise quality standards for school breakfasts and lunches.
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program

    This program provides healthy meals and snacks to adults and children in public and private non-profit facilities and snacks for children in after school care and emergency shelters.
    Adults get to eat too under this act. Adults can also be sure their kid is being fed. A lot of people are not fortunate enough to open their refrigerator and have options. This act is good for them.
  • Summer Lunch Program

    Offers students the option of having a healthy meal in the summer whether they go to summer school or not.
    Students benefit from this program because if they don't have somewhere to eat they can at school. They don't go to school everyday in the summer. Some might not have much food at home. If schools serve nutritional food then that is even better.
  • Department of Defense Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program

    This program delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to schools and military bases. This offers the school the produce allotment from the USDA. So, schools do not have to use their funds for fresh fruits and vegetables.