School Age Milestone Project

  • 6 - 7 years old

    6 - 7 years old
    • Physical : playing catch
    • Emotional : become more aware of their emotions
    • Intellectual : become curious about the world around them
    • Cognitive : can tell time
  • 8-9 years old

    8-9 years old
    • Physical : more graceful with their movement and abilities
    • Emotional : starts to think about the future
    • Intellectual : enjoys collecting objects
    • Cognitive : their ability to focus attention increases
  • 10-12 years old

    10-12 years old
    • Physical : likes to sew and paint
    • Emotional : starts to form stronger friendships
    • Intellectual : begins to see others point of view more clearly
    • Cognitive : they start moving at their own rate