School age milestone

By Jaqucx
  • Jan 1, 1000

    School age milestone

    School age milestone
    At the age of 6 years old kids should be able to work on a task for 15 minutes. One physical and emotional trait may be able to participate in activities like jumping rope and understand someone feelings. Another intellectual and cognitive development is curiosity about the world & can count to and understand the concept of “10”.
  • Jan 2, 1200

    7-8 years old

    7-8 years old
    About the age of 7-8 your kid has mastered simple addition and subtraction using their cognitive. Also an emotional development is they start to act irritable and unpredictable. Some physical development include growing 6cm and gain about 3kg in a year. They begin mentally adding and subtracting using their intellectual milestone.
  • Jan 3, 1300


    Some intellectual and cognitive developments include know that objects have uses and can be classified into different categories. Start to show a growth pattern related to gender and lose about four baby teeth each year during their physical milestone. They desire for increased independence from parents and siblings and struggle to find the means to appropriately individuate using their emotional development.
  • Jan 4, 1400


    Kids are beginning to cope with hormonal change and poised and have self -control during the emotional stage. Some cognitive and intellectual milestone examples include developing logical thought , deductive reasoning abilities. Physical milestones is they start growing pubic hair and breasts , and they will change the way their body distribute fat.