    ABC was my first school that I went to in Bulgaria; my mother and I would take a tram then go to the metro then arrive over all 30 minute trip, not bad. We would have a bunch of actvities. This was my first preschool and it was realy fun I would play with Lego duplo the whole day. Sometimes my mom would go to a nearby cafe and just do her work on her laptop there then pick me up and take me home. Abc was not to big but it had two floors and a play ground for toddlers it was one of my favourites.
  • International children’s creativity centre

    International children’s creativity centre
    ICCC was located in the mountains wich made it hard to access during winter because of the ice on the road. One day the school enterance was just flooded with snail and we were trying so had not to smush them. The school kind of had animal houses so there would be cats, butterflies, lady bugs, and birds. They would give many healthy snack to us and delicious food. That year I had my nails painted blue it was so funny. This school was fun we had many activities and memories at this school.

    I spent six academic years in that school and in each year there would be new things. But every year there would be a barbecue. During everyone who joined the school that year would come have fun and enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs. There would also be this event called the Sumer fest where multiple people would have a tent for their country, and there would be England, Bulgaria, candada, America, Romania, and Korea. I made a lot of friends in Bulgaria and some turned out to be my neighbors.
  • Taekwondo

    Taekwondo was definitely my favourite after school activity, it was so fun we would always do fighting drills, like punching techniques, kicking techniques, and self defence techniques. Sometimes the assistant would bring body armour so we could go at each other with the techniques. Taekwondo was just the best, during Taekwondo I remember the three locations we were in first the gym, then the old drama room, then this space next to hip hop I think. All the places were great. It was the best.
  • 2nd grade

    2nd grade
    Second grade was probably one of my favourite years in AAS. I had a lot of friends who I’d do work or play with, it was really fun in 2nd grade. I would play football with many of those friends, and we had one of those teachers that would sort of join us. I also had this friend who I made a comic with, it was about dinosaurs that got exposed to some kind of radiation wich made them mutant and gave them really cool abilities and the two main characters are two dino best friends on many journeys.
  • Pottery

    Pottery was an after school activity in my old school and I was very fun to do pottery. I wade lots of cups, and I tried like a Baji lion time but I could not make a tea pot. There was at least billions of clay doughnuts that I made, and once made this cookie dish during Halloween time and we made ghosts. And the first day of pottery was during Christmas time and we made ornaments to go on a tree. Pottery was probably one of my favourite after school clases that I have ever done it was so fun.
  • Third grade

    Third grade
    Third grade was not that fun cause that was the year COVId 19 came and if you think learning at home was bad enough, during the pandemic we went to the uk, so I had to wake up at six in the morning and only have half an hour to get ready. But it was not all that bad we also had a teacher that would join in school football. During quarantine I would find out I’m pretty good at crafting thing with popsicle sticks and I would be good at video games online. So third grade 6 out of 10.
  • Fourth grade

    Fourth grade
    A decent amount of fourth grade was in online learning but that was the year among us was popular so after the last Google meet we would stay behind and play among us, the good days. This was the year I left so it was a tiny bit annoying when the end was near but that was that so on the last Wednesday of the year we went to this public water park and just had a blast there it was really fun and the last Thursday we had a water gun battle. But then me and other people had to go leave.
  • CIS

    CIS is my current school and it’s nice around here. I joined here in fifth grade and I loved this school since week one it of coarse started with online learning but since I’m a teachers kid I got to school during the first three months of school. The first day on campus was on Halloween and then it moved on. We had this lock-in were on Friday we got to stay and sleep in school go to the pool and watch Toy Story. Over all at the moment cis is a good school for me so eight out of ten for me nice.